Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Finally An Update!

Thank you for your concern and patience regarding our lack of email updates and posts on the blog...I will let my mom, yes my mom! explain our delay...thank you so much for your continued prayers! I promise to be better about posting...this just wasn't my news to tell...it needed to come from my mom as we all continue to be in awe and quite honestly without words as we marvel at what God has done.


My most sincere apology for the delayed posting but honestly, I am at a loss for words to express what my heart is feeling. GOD IS SO FAITHFUL!!!! As are each of you, our prayer partners. We are standing in awe of God's mighty miracle....tumor out, clean margins, thirty of thirty lymph nodes completely clear....surprised??? No, this is what we have been praying for. Humbled???? Yes, our God is a mighty, mighty God!!! So many hymns of praise run through my mind....TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!
I came home late Friday and it is so good to be home....so good not to be awaken every 2 hours for vitals, blood tests, meds.... My digestive track has yet to begin functioning so I am on TPN which provides all the nourishment my body needs intravenously through my port. B "hooks me up" at 6:00pm and a little pump pumps the nutrition into my body for 14 hours through the night. Isn't technology wonderful? Thank God for the bright minds of scientists and researchers who have, through HIM, made this all possible. During the day, I am "untethered" and able to move around, go out, and begin to resume a more "normal" life. I have some pain, but thankfully it is manageable with the medications I have available. I have been able to enjoy time with family, even playing lego with my favorite....ok only.....grandson. And....I am looking forward to visitors, finally I am feeling up to visits, at least in the morning when I am rested and fresh. So, if you are in "my neck of the woods" please feel free to call and come by. I would like to give you a big hug, and thank you personally for your commitment and dedication to praying for me. In two weeks I will resume chemotherapy for 4-6 months, through the summer. The treatment plan is yet to be decided, and we covet your prayers for wisdom and discernment for the doctors as they make the decision as to how to go forward from here. Personally, I hope for the most aggressive treatment that my body can handle. I trust God will lead us to the very best choice.
Again, words can not express our gratitude to each of you. Thank you for your love and continual support on this journey, it is far from over, but I feel that we have, thanks to God, reached the summit of this mountain. It is such a blessing to share with you how God has been ever-present. Thank you for continuing to pray with us and for us...joining us in praising God for the miracle He has performed.

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