Thursday, July 12, 2012

Update from Annie- July 12, 2012

A joy-filled my mom's words:
We are praising God for good news we received yesterday. At the end of the phone call I recieved from my surgeon regarding the scan's results... I gratefully thanked him, a devoted believer, he said, don't thank me, THANK THE LORD! So with that said, we are thanking the Lord! Let me explain:
It was a long, tense weekend anticipating the scan, and a long three two days waiting for the results. One of my many faith struggles is letting go and trusting God. These experiences are growing me, but I have a long, long way to go!!!
The short report is....THE LYMPH NODES ARE SHRINKING, and there are no new nodes.
The long report is:
ALL the lymph nodes previously noted have shrunk and are less that 1 cm in size; for example a node in the retroperitoneal space was 1.8 - 1.4 cm originally and is now 4 x 8 mm. Fat stranding around the paraaortic space is decreasing (not exactly sure what that indicates), and major abdominal vasculature is patant. A node closer to the pancreas was not as significantly decreased (we'll pray over that little bugger!!!), but still decreased. The pancreatic duct is worse and is causing atrophy of the remaining body and tail of the pancreas. Definite prayer over that is needed, and a follow up call to my surgeon to see if there is something we can be doing to address the damage to my pancreas. A new cyst was seen at the pancreaticojunal anastomosis that appears to be filled with fluid, which may be a result of chronic pancreatitis (caused by the worsening condition of the pancreatic duct). My spleen, right kidney, adrenal glands, bladder, overies, uterus, lungs and chest cavity show NO evidence of metastatic disease. A lesion on my left kidney is too small to characterize, but is unchanged from a 2011 CT scan is is likely a cyst. Lesions in my liver are consistent with previous scans and appear to be consistent with fatty infiltration.
This medical jargon can all be simplified down to...the current chemo regime is working and I will continue on it, (two weeks on, one week off), indefinitely. I was reminded that this is not a cure, but a way to "buy" more time. The possibility exists that as the chemo drugs accumulate in my body they will become so toxic that I will need to take a break, or switch to another therapy. My oncologist did suggest that when the nodes are even more decreased in size I could take a one or two week break and go on a little vacation. Our 35th wedding anniversary was in June so perhaps we may be able to take a little trip to celebrate!!! It is good to have something to anticipate, and hope for.
How can we be praying together:
WITH PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING, GIVING ALL GLORY TO GOD! This good news is not by my power, but by HIS!
-we give thanks that God has again reached down, and touch my body with His healing hand
-we give thanks that the lymph nodes are all decreasing in size
-we give thanks that there is NO evidence of metastatic disease anywhere else in my body
-we give thanks that we have hope in the future
-we give thanks to each of you, praying so faithfully. You are such an encouragement to us.
-we give thanks that our faith, though it waivered, was not lost, that when we were struggling, God came along side and made His presence known
-we are thankful for the many verses in God's word that provided encouragement during times of fear
-we are thankful that God loves us, and will never, ever leave us, provides for us, encourages us, heals
-we are thankful for God's gift of salvation

-we are praying for GOD TO BE GLORIFIED on this journey, He is the great healer!
-we are praying that the lymph nodes will continue to decrease in size and eventually become none existent
-we are praying that the cancer will not spread anywhere else in my body
-we are praying for healing of my pancreas, and restored pancreatic function
-we are praying that this round of chemo will go well, that I can better manage the side effects, listen to my body, sleep when I need to, eat when I can, no additional weight loss
-that our faith, and the faith of those we love, would not waiver, but instead be strengthened by the knowledge that God is present
Thank you again for your faithful pray support. Please continue to be in prayer for me and for my family. Please, please, please share with others our story of God's faithfulness, His healing power, so that He might be glorified, and others might be drawn to Him, their faith awakened, rekindled, restored, renewed. Our God is a mighty God and a mighty Healer...all the glory and honor is His alone.

Loving you with deep gratitude,

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Update & Request from Annie

I received this update from my mom...her words articulate our family's praises and requests best.

Thank you for continuing to rally alongside us...may your hearts be blessed!

"In Christ alone, my hope is found"....this hymn keeps playing in my mind.  My "hope" is that this chemo is working.  I have had a beautiful fourth of July week with my family up at the lake.  The weather has been hot, hot, hot, which is a good excuse for resting on a lawn chair.  I am blessed to be surrounded by people I love (and who love me), in a place that brings so much peace.
On Monday I have another CT scan.  We will be looking to see if the chemo has been effective in reducing the size of the lymph nodes, and keeping the cancer from spreading.  Would you please join us in praying for good news when we get the results on Wednesday?
We are thanking God for:
-His constant presence in our lives
-that the effects of the chemo are diminishing
-a new job for B that he is enjoying!!!
-our time at the lake
and we are laying these requests before God:
-a miraculous healing; that the lymph nodes would be shrinking and that there would be no spread
-that the next round of chemo would go well, be effective, and have minimal side effects (days 3-6 were pretty rough last round)
-strength....I am so tired
-to regain the lost weight, a better appetite
-improved intestinal functioning....yes, I am still struggling
-that I would be able to reduce the amount of pain medication I am using
-that our faith would not waiver
-that God would be glorified
So many of you have asked what you can do to help.  Right now, we covet your prayers most of all.  As B settles in to his new job and is away from home our needs may change. 
Thank you so very, very much for your faithful prayer partnership.  It means so much to know you are praying, and sharing this journey with us. 
