Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Prayer Request - August 21, 2013

Thank you for continuing to rejoice with our family as we celebrate my mom's clear scan results last week...God's Hand continues to amaze us and we know that it is only Him who is responsible for the scan's results.
This morning with our praises comes renewed request as my mom has hit another little 'hiccup' along this road. She was scheduled to have her chemo treatment yesterday morning, which has been postponed a week because her white count was too low the week before. Yesterday's blood work revealed her white count to be too low for treatment again (even lower than the week prior), meaning another postponement (probably till early next week). They gave her a shot yesterday (and she will have 3 subsequent shots in the next three days) to hopefully help boost her white blood cells and allow her to continue with her treatment.  The shots are incredibly uncomfortable and cause great 'bone pain' which is leaving her on the couch or in bed. 
Would you please pray that...
-The cancer would remain MIRACULOUSLY GONE...that this hiccup preventing her from getting treatment would NOT allow the cancer to 'gain strength'
-That her white count would INCREASE dramatically
-That the bone pain would be GONE or at least tolerable with pain medicine
-That her heart would not be discouraged as time in bed/on the couch isn't good for anyone's joy
-That satan would not weasel his way in and cause fear, doubt, despair, etc.
-That the Lord would continue to be glorified through every aspect of this journey
Thank you for continuing to pray alongside our family and rally on my mom's behalf...we are so grateful for your intercession!!
Be blessed.
Annie & family

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Update! August 14, 2013

Be Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, and Faithful in Prayer.  Romans 12:12
Praising God, praising God, praising God...the lymph nodes in question 6 weeks ago are now GONE!  Thank you so much for faithfully praying on my behalf.  There was some "nonspecific metabolic activity" around my pancreas that my doctor believes is inflammation.  We can be praying  about that.  My next scan is in 6-8 weeks.  If you could pray over my white blood count that would be much appreciated.  It was to low to receive chemo yesterday so I have a week off.  If it is too low again next week they will have to adjust my doses, and I would prefer not to have to do that.  And.....when you pray, praise and thank God for the miracle He is working in me!!!
Your faithfulness is a blessing to me and my family.  May you be blessed.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Prayer Request - August 10, 2013

I woke up this morning to the cry of a loon, a majestic pink sunrise, and the lake as smooth as glass.  Yes, this is my "happy place".  I have been in a very good place these last few weeks.  I am tolerating the new chemo treatments much better than last summer.  I am trying a new drug to combat the neuropathy and it has changed the tingling pain from a very sharp, needle prick to a dull buzz which is much more tolerable, and I am completing a cancer physical rehab program that has really improved the quality of my lift.  I can now walk, slowly, up to two miles, manage a flight of stairs comfortably, and am getting stronger every day.  If fact, yesterday I carried my very sleepy grandson, all 50 pounds of him into the dairy for dinner.  My vertigo is gone after only two sessions with the physical therapist.  Thank you God....for placing all these wonderful people in my life to help me to encourage me and to care for me.  God continues to meet my every need and then some.  The best part of the summer has been enjoying my two BIG grandchildren and getting to know the two LITTLE ones.  It is all very ordinary, but the ordinary is precious.
I would like to ask you to pray with us in the next few days.  I have a follow up PET/CT scan on Monday.  We are praying boldly that the cancer in the lymph nodes will be gone and that there would be no indications of cancer anywhere else.  I read in a devotion last week that "trust is believing that God can, and faith is believing that God will".  I have faith that our God will heal.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.  May you be blessed as you have blessed me.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

We hope you all are doing well and enjoying some sweet summer fun with your family and friends. We are all doing well, enjoying the summer and relishing in lots of time outside and memories up north at the cabin. Annie is doing well with the recent change in her chemo regimen as the side effects thus far have been manageable. No news yet as to how it is working-we continue to BOLDLY pray that the Lord would use the chemo (or the flick of His own Hand) to obliterate ALL of the cancerous cells in her body FOR GOOD so she (and our family and friends) can continue making/enjoying sweet memories together.  Thank you for continuing to pray and rally with our family!
It's hard to believe but the Purple Ride is just around the corner, which means the second annual Praying for Annie M Team is beginning to rally and get ready for a beautiful morning of biking fun! 
If you participated last year, we hope you might consider joining our team again...if you weren't able, we hope you might be able to join us as we support my mom again this year!
This year's Twin Cities Pancan Purple Ride is Sunday morning, Sept. 15th at Elm Creek Regional Park.  Last year, the Praying for Annie M team raised close to $10,000!!!  It is our prayer and hope that we might top that amount this year as we continue to fight to irradiate pancreatic cancer!  
You can help by joining the Praying for Annie M team on Sunday morning, Sept. 15, either as a bike rider or as a "virtual rider".  The registration link is pasted below.  Thank you for your continued prayers and love and support for Annie! 
Last year's ride was incredible as we saw others rallying for the same cause that has become so near to our hearts. There was purple everywhere...even bikes were decorated! Families towed little ones in bike trailers and cheerleaders lined parts of the route...we hope you'll join us as we don our purple and cheer our dear Annie and so many others on!
Be blessed,
Annie's Family