Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To God be the GLORY!!!!!

My mom's words below depict our hearts best...we are dancing and totally humbled and in awe of the great God we serve. Thank you for all of your prayers...for your continued encouragement and support...truly to God be the Glory!
This hymn is ringing through my ears...
All praise, honor, and glory to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We worship an awesome God, who hears our prayers and answers.  Yesterday I got the results from my CT scan on Monday.  In May, we found out that my cancer had metastasized into several retro-peritenial lymph nodes.  Radiation was not an option, so we changed the chemo to one that is more aggressive, and yes , more toxic and has more challenging  side effects.  The lymph nodes began shrinking, or were stable in the next two scans.  Monday's scan showed, and I quote from the radiologist's report, "NO EVIDENCE OF METE STATIC DISEASE IN THE CHEST, ABDOMINAL, OR PELVIC AREAS" (those are the three regions they scan.  So that's right, NO CANCER EVIDENT!!!!!!!  Our God is an awesome God!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where did the lymph nodes go????  I don't know, I was too busy taking it all in and praising God.  What have I learned....oh so very much....but perhaps most important, PRAY BOLDLY and BELIEVE.  To be perfectly honest, my prayers have been for God to allow the lymph nodes to continue to shrink, and that there would be no further spread of the cancer.  Then at the very end, I would pray for God to completely remove the cancer from my body and work a mighty miracle.  Why were my prayers lacking in the boldness, the honesty, the lay your heart out at His feet?  I don't know, I think I was afraid to ask for too much (crazy I know in my mind, but something I felt in my heart), maybe it was my doctor telling me that pancreatic cancer is incurable, and the best we could hope for would be to get it stable.  There is certainly room for my faith to grow, to learn to trust God to do the mighty things I know He can do.  What I do know is that from now on, I will pray BOLDLY, that God would continue to keep my body free of cancer, that I would grow stronger each day, that the side effects of my continuing chemo would be lessened as we begin to cut back the dose, and that I would look expectantly toward the future, free of fear, would you join me in praying and thanking God for this miracle, and boldly pray, that I will remain cancer-free?

Where do we go from here?  I have been on a chemo regimen of two different drugs.  One is an oral form of a chemo drug that I was on before my surgery.  I will stay on that drug for the near future.  It's most troubling side effect is peripheral neuropathy, a constant tingling and numbness in my fingers and feet.  This keeps me from doing the sewing and hand work that I love, and is made worse by the cold, so walking is difficult because I can't feel my feet strike the ground.  (Hence I now have a handicap parking permit so as to spend as little time in the cold, and avoid a fall....makes me feel old, and yet I am grateful for the chance to be able to get out independently!), The other drug causes my vision problems.  We began cutting that drug back yesterday.  Most patients begin having much more severe side effects with that drug after six months or so of treatment.  I am now in my seventh month, and so thankful to God that I will be able to continue for another month or two.  My next scan will be in three months.

Thanksgiving is coming, how appropriate, we will be praising, thanking and GIVING ALL GLORY to God.  Our married kiddos alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and this year they will be in Minnesota for Thanksgiving so we will all be together.  I am so blessed.  We hope to make it to the lake for a "day away".  Christmas will be more low key with two of the three families away, but we are so thankful they get to share Christmas traditions with the "other side of their family".  Letting just the "nose of the cat" out of the bag, we are looking forward to welcoming a new grand baby late this spring; my niece is expecting her first around New Year's Day, and our son's brother and sister in law are expecting their first in May, and cousin, who lives here in Minnesota is expecting her third sweet bundle of boy in late April/early May.  If you know me, you know I treasure the promise of new life, even more so, after the past 14 months.  I look forward to praying over their pregnancies, the transitions to parenthood, welcoming these sweet "gifts from God", and holding, and loving on them.

We got the best news yesterday, better than we expected.  I wasn't fully trusting God, believing "big enough".  He answered my weak prayers, He knew what was one my heart without my even asking.  He heard each of your prayers too.  We are so blessed to be upheld by all of you, praying, believing.  We have, all of us experienced a miracle, yes a miracle, and only God, only God could perform that miracle.  He used His people to be His hands and feet, the doctors, the researchers, the medicines all worked together orchestrated by God, the Healer. 

Please, take a moment to thank God today, and if you would continue to pray BOLDLY that the cancer will not return.  And we would be honored if you would share our story with those who might be blessed by hearing it.

We have been blessed, may God also bless each of you.  May your Thanksgiving celebrations be special times, for those of you traveling, may God keep you safe.

With joy and thanksgiving,

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Quick Update

I just received this quick update from my mom. Thank you for your continued prayers...the days before and after a scan are always a challenge. May each of your hearts be blessed.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Phil. 4:6

That is our prayer for this week.  I have another scan on Monday, November 12th.  Mostly I an overwhelmed with the peace of God that I am experiencing, but I have to be honest, there are times when anxiety and fear creep in.  My chemo cycle this past two weeks has been much better.  I think we are finally beginning to figure out how to medicate to give me the best "quality of life" and I have had more energy to participate in what is going on around me. 

Thank you foryour prayers over the past few weeks, God hears, and thank you for praying over the scan next Monday.  I am so grateful for each and every one of you.  A more detailed update will follow next week after we get the scan results.

Be blessed,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Purple Ride!!!!

Thank you to EVERYONE who supported our Praying for Annie M Purple Ride Team!!!!!!
God provided a BEAUTFUL backdrop of sunny, bright blue sky along with beautiful fall leaves for the bike ride.  
Your gracious generosity raised $8,244.00 for Pancreatic Cancer reasearch!!!!
We are humbled to have been surrounded by this small army of purple...and everyone else riding 'virtually'...such a tangible example of your love, support and prayers.
May your hearts be blessed!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Purple Ride Info. & Update from Annie

Happy September!!!
Oh, how short and sweet every summer proves to be. Thank you for your continued prayers and seasons transition we continue to thank you all for your prayers and all truly are our cheer leaders!
We are so excited about the Purple Ride THIS SATURDAY!!! It promises to be a fun-filled purple day as we enjoy the leaves changing, the autumn breeze and the beautiful-ness of fall in Minnesota.
As of today, we are thrilled and humbled to share that the Praying for Annie M Team has raised over $5,900.00 for Pancreatic Cancer Research and has 42 riders and 22 generous supporters/virtual riders!!!! To God be the glory!!
We have received our team shirts and have sent shirts out to virtual riders who are 'riding in spirit' on Saturday, be watching your mail boxes (we'd love to see photos of you riding, gardening, walking...doing life in your shirts, please share them with us). Those of you in the area, we will be delivering your shirts to your doorstep sometime looking for a little purple package!
A couple things about the ride:
-The ride is SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th at Elm Creek Regional Park (12400 James Deane Parkway, Maple Grove 55369)
-If signing up has slipped your mind, it's not too late. The website is open through the week and there is ride day registration at 8:00am on Saturday morning. Check the website ( or email us for details).
-Please wear your purple shirts!!! And any other purple attire you so desire:) Please invite family and friends to come cheer you on...the more the merrier!!!
-The 25 mile ride is from 8:30-10:00am
-The 8 mile ride is from 10:00am-12:00pm
(note: route support closes at 1:30pm)
-Our Praying for Annie M Team photo will be at 12:00pm. If it works in your schedule that morning, after the bike ride, please meet at the registration table area at noon. We hope to share the team photo with our 'virtual riders' who are supporting our team and the cause from all over the country!
-Closing Celebration for the entire event is at 1:30pm (for those of you who can and choose to stay)
Most importantly, Below is an update I received from my mom earlier this afternoon. Thank you for continuing to rally as days often feel long and wearing. May your hearts be blessed.
Hebrews 11:1 “Faith means being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.”
Faith is built upon trust. God wants us to trust Him - even when we do not understand what is happening or can explain the circumstances. Even when nothing makes sense and everything seems wrong. It is easy to trust Him when the seas are calm and the skies are clear, but the strength of our faith is measured in the midst of a raging storm. Faith is a deliberate choice to believe God, to walk through our fear, knowing we can trust Him every step of the way.

This was part of my quiet time this afternoon and I found it so to God when you don't know where He is leading, when strong winds are beating at my boat and threatening to overturn it, when the sky is gray and dismal, when hope is absent, when God feels far away. This journey I am on is requiring me to relinquish my need to control the direction on my journey and trust God's leading. This past cycle was really difficult. I struggled with feeling tired all the time, sleeping 10-12 hours each night and spending the majority of the day on the couch. It was mind wandering to things best left alone, Satan played with my emotions, whispered lies. I was in near constant prayer that God would drive him away....Of course He did and I was able to once again place my trust in my Savior. What a sense of peace. God is here, God is in control, God desires the very best for me, God loves me....though my circumstances may change, God loves me, He saved me, He is always with me and that will never change.

This morning I had another infusion of chemo. This will be the plan for the foreseeable future, chemo every three weeks, with oral chemo weeks one and two giving me one week off to allow my body to rebound. Thank you so much for continuing to pray. Here is how we can pray together:
-that God would first and foremost be glorified by the journey that my family and I am on

-that the chemo appears to be "holding my cancer at a stationary place, and slowly decreasing the size of some of the affected lymph nodes
-for the many people involved in my care who are so patient, understanding, and encouraging
-for beautiful weekends to celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of fall, warm afternoons and cool, crisp evenings
-for my family who have made such deliberate efforts to get me out of our house and thinking about something other than cancer; for making me smile and laugh, for letting me cry, for giving me strength and encouragement
-for B, who loves me and cares for me even when I am pretty unlovable
-for each and every prayer warrior that has been so faithful to continue praying and walking with us

-that God would continue to receive all the glory and honor
-that this cycle would be better than the last
-that I could continue to eat and gain weight (I gained 3+pounds this last cycle....thank you God!)
-that the side effects of the chemo would not increase and cause a reduction in dosage, or discontinuation of therapy (they are not suggesting this, but I am aware that it is a possibility, so I am asking you to pray against the side effects and pray for my body's ability to withstand the drugs)
-that new medication will help lift the cloud of depression I am under (this is where Satan is really attacking me)
-for a beautiful Saturday for the Purple Ride, for safety for those riding, that I would feel well enough to attend (I will be there in spirit if the chemo has me down!), that the donations will bring funding to those doctors and researchers who have dedicated themselves to finding a cure. And a very big, heartfelt THANK YOU to those of you riding, both in person and virtually. Your willingness to support research for pancreatic cancer treatments means so much to us, your generosity is unbelievable, and we feel so grateful and blessed.
-that God would bless each of you, and that your faith would continue to grow as we learn, together, to place our trust in the one who created us
-that God would be glorified!

I am so humbled, and so very grateful for your prayers.  It is such an honor to be surrounded by "such a great cloud of witnesses" as we walk this journey together.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

With love,

Fun Filled Weekend

We are so grateful to have had a fun-filled Labor Day Weekend filled with lots of good old family and pup time! Thank you for your continued prayers!

My mom is working on an update to share the most recent aspects of this journey.

And Purple Ride information to follow as the ride is THIS SATURDAY!!!!

May your hearts be blessed.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Last Call for Purple Ride T-Shirts & Quick Update

Quick Update...the weekend and the start to this week has been slow. The side effects to last week's infusion have been controlable/bearable with the exception of extreme exhaustion. My mom has spent the majority of the last several days in bed or sleeping on the couch. The exhaustion seems to be wearing on her heart as she wants to be able to enjoy life but feels like she can hardly keep her eyes open long enough to.  We are praying that this will be short-lived and pass as there are memories that need to be made, especially with the upcoming holiday weekend.  Thank you for your continued bless us, often beyond words.

In regard to the purple ride, this is by no means a last call for participation in this year's Purple Ride, but is our last call if you would like a Praying for Annie M team t-shirt.  The order for the shirts needs to be placed first thing tomorrow (Tuesday, August 28th) morning, so registration for the ride (in person or a donation to our team as a 'virtual rider) needs to be completed tonight.  Below is our previous email describing the shirts and the registration process. We are still hoping to find more riders as our number as of tonight is just 26...but are grateful for the donations that have been made on my mom's (and every family battling Pancreatic Cancers) behalf.

As a thank you to those of you riding (virtual riders/ those of you who have donated included) and hopefully an encouragement to increase participation and gain MORE members for our Praying for Annie M team we are having special t-shirts made!  A photo of the t-shirt designs is on the blog:

Last fall when we sent out 'Rally Bands' we included a note which read...
"David didn't have the capacity to face Goliath on his own...neither does our family
During battle, it looked as if all David had was a few stones and a sling shot, BUT, in fact he had more, He had do we!
God, in His Great Power, helped David be courageous and victorious...and we pray that he will do the same as we battle our very own giant (cancer)!"
In effort to keep with our 'battle' theme, the t-shirts will be purple (the color that represents Pancreatic Cancer) with white printing.  The front of the shirt will have the verse from the Rally Bands across the front as Jesus' words in Mark 10:52 reiterate God's power and ability to heal as He says '...your faith has healed you...". The back of the shirts will have a sling shot with five stones beneath it. The slingshot is made up of God's different attributes to remind that He is our Ultimate 'weapon' and source of protection and the stones represent the avenues in which God works through us, His precious children and how we respond to His loving protection.
The shirts are available in youth sizes xs-xl and adult sizes s-xl.  If you have already registered to ride (virtual riders included) OR IF YOU ARE PLANNING to register, please email us your shirt size by Monday, August 27th to assure that our order is complete and that shirts can be delivered before the ride. Virtual riders, when you email your shirt size please include your mailing address and we will send shirts to you so that you can participate in a tangible way the day of the ride as we hope the shirts provide a tangible reminder to pray for the families riding who have been affected by Pancreatic Cancer.  It will be so humbling/encouraging to think about the shirts being worn across the country as you all continue to bless our family with your prayer support!
It would be such an honor to bike alongside each of you as you all continue to bless our family by your willingness to intercede on my Mom's behalf.  Below is information regarding the registration process...
Please Support Pancreatic Cancer Research and Care by joining in the Purple Ride on Saturday morning, September 15, 2012 at Elm Creek Regional Park in Maple Grove, Minnesota.
The Purple Ride is an 8 mile or 25 mile leisurely bike ride for the entire family.
To register, please go to the link below or Google “Purple Ride.”  You will need to register online by August 17 to receive a T-Shirt.
You can register individually (paying the $25 registration fee for adults or $10 for kids) or join as a member of the “Praying for Annie M” team! 

To join our team, go to

Click on 'Purple Ride Twin Cities' on the right hand side of the page

Click on 'more' under team rank on the right hand side of the page

Scroll down to 'Praying for Annie M' and click

This will bring up the Praying for Annie M Team list of participants and donations. If you would like to participate click on 'Join Our Team Now' on the right side of the page or if you would like to donate click on 'Give Now' on the right side of the page and then follow the prompts from there.

***Please note, the Pancreatic Action Network (PanCan, the sponsor of the Purple Ride) asks that everyone who joins a team try to gather donations that total $150 or more per team member.  If you join our team but are not able to fund raise for the entire $150 target, that is okay as it is only a goal and PanCan does not require that any specific amount be raised (the only required amount is the individual registration fee of $25 for adults and $10 for kids).
If you are not able to ride, or are not able to attend on September 15, you can register to ride “virtually” by making a donation to PanCan at the same web site.
PanCan is a wonderful organization that supports survivors, caregivers, researchers and more!
We hope to see you at the Purple Ride.  And, thank you, thank you for your continued prayers for Annie M!!

Friday, August 24, 2012


Thank you for your prayers this week...we've felt them. Below is an update from my always, her words are best!
Praising God, dancing the happy dance, singing songs of thanksgiving. The Scan looks great. The lymph nodes are either stable or shrinking and there is NO evidence of further involvement in the pelvic, abdominal, or thoracic regions. Don't we worship an awesome God???? He heard our prayers and answered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, where do we go from here? Continued chemo on a three week schedule. The side effects from one of the drugs have become so difficult, (burning and blistering of my fingers and feet), that we will be cutting back the dosage for the next two cycles. I have been given an appetite stimulant to help regain the weight I have lost, and am beginning to try to cut back the pain medications I have been takeng in hopes that I can begin to drive again soon. Although many have been gracious to drive me around, I miss the freedom of just getting in the car, getting out of the house, and running a couple of quick errands.

How can we be praying together:
Prayers of Praise and thanksgiving....
-May God be given all the glory and honor for the good news we received this week
-thanksgiving for a beautiful, magical wedding weekend with K & J
-thanksgiving for feeling well enough to go to the lake this weekend with family to rest and recover from this latest round of chemo
-thanksgiving for chemo that is working
-thanksgiving for all the wonderful support for the Purple guys are awesome to support pancreatic cancer sufferers and survivors nationwide! We are praying that all this support will fund research that leads to a CURE!
-thanksgiving for each of you who so willingly pray for another, you are the best prayer warriors ever!!!

Prayers of Petition...
-calm stomach, functioning bowels
-strength....I am so weak and so tired....daily I am relying on the strength of God to get me through the day...not a bad thing, relying on God, but draining on those around me
-that the chemo would continue to be effective even at the lower dose
-that my new meds would work as they should, and that cutting back the pain meds would be successful
-a wonderful, memory filled Labor Day weekend at the lake with family

Thank you for sharing our journey. Please share with others God's faithfulness, to God be ALL THE GLORY!

Loving you in Christ's name,
Also, thank you thank you! To those of you who are participating both in person and virtually on our Praying for Annie M Purple Ride Team. We are so grateful for your support and looking forward to a fun-filled bike ride. If you haven't signed up to participate and would like to...we would be thrilled and would like to thank you by sending you a Praying for Annie M Team shirt. Please visit the blog for Purple Ride and t-shirt design details. We need to place our order for the shirts no later than Monday evening (August 27th), so please please please sign up before then so we can include you. Thinking about people all over the country wearing the shirts is so exciting as it tangibly represents the prayers being lifted from each of your various locations!
If you have any questions or if you have signed up/donated to our team, please email us your shirt size as we would be delighted to get it to you.
Be blessed.
Be blessed.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Purple Ride Information & T-Shirt Design

Purple Ride T-Shirts...

(T-Shirt Front...sideways, sorry)
T-Shirt Back

As a thank you to those of you riding (virtual riders included) and hopefully an encouragement to increase participation and gain MORE members for our Praying for Annie M team we are having special t-shirts made! Attached are photos of the t-shirt design. Last fall when we sent out 'Rally Bands' we included a note which read...

"David didn't have the capacity to face Goliath on his own...neither does our family
During battle, it looked as if all David had was a few stones and a sling shot, BUT, in fact he had more, He had do we!

God, in His Great Power, helped David be courageous and victorious...and we pray that he will do the same as we battle our very own giant (cancer)!"
In effort to keep with our 'battle' theme, the t-shirts will be purple (the color that represents Pancreatic Cancer) with white printing. The front of the shirt will have the verse from the Rally Bands across the front as Jesus' words in Mark 10:52 reiterate God's power and ability to heal as He says '...your faith has healed you...". The back of the shirts will have a sling shot with five stones beneath it. The slingshot is made up of God's different attributes to remind that He is our Ultimate 'weapon' and source of protection and the stones represent the avenues in which God works through us, His precious children and how we respond to His loving protection.

The shirts are available in youth sizes xs-xl and adult sizes s-xl. If you have already registered to ride (virtual riders included) OR IF YOU ARE PLANNING to register, please email us your shirt size by Monday, August 27th to assure that our order is complete and that shirts can be delivered before the ride. Virtual riders, when you email your shirt size please include your mailing address and we will send shirts to you so that you can participate in a tangible way the day of the ride as we hope the shirts provide a tangible reminder to pray for the families riding who have been affected by Pancreatic Cancer. It will be so humbling/encouraging to think about the shirts being worn across the country as you all continue to bless our family with your prayer support!

It would be such an honor to bike alongside each of you as you all continue to bless our family by your willingness to intercede on my Mom's behalf. Below is information regarding the registration process...

Please Support Pancreatic Cancer Research and Care by joining in the Purple Ride on Saturday morning, September 15, 2012 at Elm Creek Regional Park in Maple Grove, Minnesota.
The Purple Ride is an 8 mile or 25 mile leisurely bike ride for the entire family.
To register, please go to the link below or Google “Purple Ride.” You will need to register online by August 17 to receive a T-Shirt.
You can register individually (paying the $25 registration fee for adults or $10 for kids) or join as a member of the “Praying for Annie M” team! To join our team, follow the team registration tabs, and look for the name “Praying for Annie M” in the drop down box. Please note, the Pancreatic Action Network (PanCan, the sponsor of the Purple Ride) asks that everyone who joins a team try to gather donations that total $150 or more per team member. If you join our team but are not able to fund raise for the entire $150 target, that is okay as it is only a goal and PanCan does not require that any specific amount be raised (the only required amount is the individual registration fee of $25 for adults and $10 for kids).
If you are not able to ride, or are not able to attend on September 15, you can register to ride “virtually” and make a donation to PanCan at the same web site.
PanCan is a wonderful organization that supports survivors, caregivers, researchers and more!

We hope to see you at the Purple Ride. And, thank you, thank you for your continued prayers for Annie M!!

Please follow this link to register for the purple ride:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Prayer Request

Good Morning!
My mom hasn't asked me to send this email...but it's been tugging at my heart strings all morning.
Would you all please join us in boldly praying over my mom's scan tomorrow morning (8/21 @ 8:00am)? She mentioned the scan in her most recent update. Scans will always be 'scary' because they tangibly remind each of us of the reality of and uncertainty of cancer. We are boldly praying that the scan will reveal progress in the fight against the cancerous cells, that the cancerous cells would be ERADICATED and that NONE of the cancer would have spread!!! We are also praying for peace that transcends understanding and for God to continue to receive Glory and recognition of His Goodness, He is our true Help!
Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Also, thank you thank you thank you ! To those of you who have signed up for the Purple Ride! We are thrilled and honored by your gracious conjunction with all of your prayers! Please know that it isn't too late to join us...either as a literal rider or 'virtual rider'....the more the merrier...TRULY! Your GRACIOUS support has already raised more than $2,200.00 in the fight against Pancreatic Cancer...our family and other family's walking through this journey are grateful beyond words as the support and research towards treatment and a CURE provide such hope! Please visit the Praying for Annie M team site to gain a glimpse of our progress!

We are working to design some special 'Praying for Annie M' shirts. Our hope with the shirts is that they might shed light on God's goodness throughout this journey and the need for continued awareness toward Pancreatic Cancer. More details to come (hopefully this week) on the design and ordering.
May each of your hearts be blessed as you begin this new week. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Be blessed!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Wedding Update & Purple Ride Reminder

My mom sent this email earlier today...once again, her words are better than mine. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and encouragement...especially this past week. Also, at the bottom of this email is a link to the Purple Ride's Praying For Annie M Team site. Just a reminder to sign up if you are interested (the blog has more information on the August 7th post)...we are looking forward to a purple-filled joyous ride!!! Be blessed.
From my mom...
God has been so graciously answering our prayers for Jamey and Katie's wedding week/weekend! I would like to take a few moments to thank each of you for faithfully lifting our family in prayer and share with you a few events of the week so you too can see just how present God was with us.
-The week began with me not feeling well at all, and I was overwhelmed and discouraged, you all prayed with us, and not only did I feel physically better, but I was able to give over to God my discouragement and truly trust Him to fill me with His strength, energy, and encouragement.
-12 brand new shirts to the laundry, 4 come back overcome
-rehearsal dinner dress....three trips to the tailor for alterations....finally fits....God triumphs
-pick up my dress for the wedding.....stains all down the did that happen when the tags are still attached????....God and Halmark Cleaners....dress looks new again
-The "flower lady" bailed on me on Wednesday evening for the Friday rehearsal dinner. I was frantic until I was reminded to stop and trust God. More prayer, another phone number and a new and wonderful "flower lady" offered to provide the flowers. We picked them up at the Farmer's Market on Friday morning; they were all ready to go in bins and beautiful. More answered prayer.
-Sara, Amanda and a dear friend Barb helped cut stems and arrange flowers Friday morning and we were on our way home by noon....more answered prayer as I was able to take a much needed nap before the dinner.
-A last minute "hitch" in the rehearsal dinner menu....stop, pray....crisis averted, dinner was yummy, guests enjoyed themselves and God blessed us with a perfect evening to enjoy the sunset from the rooftop of Stella's.
-A break in the heat and a picture perfect Minneapolis summer day on Saturday, not too hot, not to chilly, no raindrops, light breeze, no bugs....perfect....thank you God!
-Beautiful God honoring ceremony led by a Spirit-filled pastor joined Jamey and Katie creating a new Christ centered family....we are blessed.
Satan worked extra hard last week to distract me....God prevailed at all times, in all things, and I believe many felt His powerful presence with us this weekend. God has blessed us with beautiful children who love the Lord. We are blessed and God is glorified.
To each of you, thank you for your faithful prayer coverage over this past weekend. There is no doubt that God heard and answered our prayers. I am now heading into what I call my "off week", my last oral chemo for this cycle is this evening and then my body has a week to recover before a new cycle next week. I will be having another scan next week and covet your prayers for good news; continued shrinking of the involved lymph nodes and no indication of any further spread of the cancer. We continue to pray that we can witness to others God's power, mercy, faithfulness and many blessings and that God will be glorified.
Loving you,

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Update & Purple Ride Info.

Thank you for your continued Mom is feeling them as she is experiencing some relief from the side effects and pain...PRAISE GOD!!!! We are continuing to BOLDLY pray that cancer would have no part in this weekend's wedding festivities and that my Mom may be able to be solely be focused on the wedding celebration and NOT cancer/treatment! We are so grateful for your continued prayers, thank you!
This verse provides such a sweet reminder or God's goodness and help...
"The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies." Psalm 118:7
God continues to humble us by providing help. His help doesn't always look the way we might hope, but His help continues to sustain and is new every morning. Each of your prayers are tangible examples of His love to us...we do look in triumph towards this awful enemy of cancer!
As promised, below is information my Dad has compiled about this year's Purple Ride. It would be such an honor to bike alongside each of you as you all continue to bless our family by your willingness to intercede on my Mom's behalf. We'd love to hear who is planning on riding (including virtual riders) so we can look for you the day of the ride, hopefully assemble our Praying for Annie M team to snap a photo and thank each of you for your participation.
Please Support Pancreatic Cancer Research and Care by joining in the Purple Ride on Saturday morning, September 15, 2012 at Elm Creek Regional Park in Maple Grove, Minnesota.
The Purple Ride is an 8 mile or 25 mile leisurely bike ride for the entire family.
To register, please go to the link below or Google “Purple Ride.” You will need to register online by August 17 to receive a T-Shirt.
You can register individually (paying the $25 registration fee for adults or $10 for kids) or join as a member of the “Praying for Annie M” team! To join our team, follow the team registration tabs, and look for the name “Praying for Annie M” in the drop down box. Please note, the Pancreatic Action Network (PanCan, the sponsor of the Purple Ride) asks that everyone who joins a team try to gather donations that total $150 or more per team member. If you join our team but are not able to fund raise for the entire $150 target, that is okay as it is only a goal and PanCan does not require that any specific amount be raised (the only required amount is the individual registration fee of $25 for adults and $10 for kids).
If you are not able to ride, or are not able to attend on September 15, you can register to ride “virtually” and make a donation to PanCan at the same web site.
PanCan is a wonderful organization that supports survivors, caregivers, researchers and more!
We hope to see you at the Purple Ride. And, thank you, thank you for your continued prayers for Annie M!!

Please follow this link to register for the purple ride:

be blessed.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Update, Request & Invitation

Again, we apologize for the lack of updates in the recent we've been busy soaking up summer, time together at the cabin and preparing for a very special wedding this upcoming weekend. We hope that each of you have been doing similar as summer always seems like such a sweet time of year.

In regard to an update, things have really been 'good' good as they can be on a long term, three week chemo regimen. The 2nd-5th day of the regimen can be pretty tough as my mom experiences nausea, loss of appetite and tiredness. The motto has become get through those okay with resting on the couch...stay on top of anti-nausea medications...try not to loose too much weight...and then savor and enjoy the rest of the remaining days in the cycle. This has been the 'norm' since the chemo change in May, and until the most recent round, which started last Monday, been relatively doable. Which leads me into our most recent and immediate prayer request.

This time, for whatever reason, things have been different. The 2nd-5th days were great (which we were all thrilled about...feeling like she had been blessed with a mostly side effect-free round)! However, since the 5th day (last Friday) things have been and more challenging and the side effects have become greater. Some of the challenges have included...loss of appetite, weight loss, feeling dizzy and like she is living in a cloud, tingly feet, nausea and extreme exhaustion. This new wave of side effects brings discouragement to our hearts as my youngest brother is getting married this upcoming Saturday.

Would you please join us in boldly praying for...
-Immediate relief from these side effects
-That my mom...and the rest of our family can enjoy this week leading up the wedding and not be concerned with the details of cancer and its treatment
-That every task might be accomplished
-That my mom would be able to truly enjoy (feeling as much like her normal-self as possible) the wedding festivities
-That NO PART of cancer would take away from the joy in celebrating my brother and future sister-in-law"s wedding

Our ongoing prayers...
-For a miracle!!!
-That until a permanent cure is found, the chemo would continue to be effective and eradicate very cancerous cell in my mom's body and keep the cancer at bay (though we are boldly praying that it would be gone!)
-For side effect management
-For God to continue to receive all the glory!

Our on-going praises...
-For all the 'good' days she's had which have allowed for time at the cabin, time with family, sleep overs and trips to the farmer's markets with grand kiddos, helping her kids on myriad of house projects, coffee dates with friends...
-For the glimpses of God's goodness throughout this journey

We wanted to invite each and every one of you to mark your calendars and join our family as we honor my mom participating in our first ever Purple Ride!!!!

The ride is on Saturday, September 15th at Elm Creek Regional Park. There's an 8 mile and 25 mile bike route, each of which include live entertainment, survival stories and children's activities. The ride is hosted by the Twin Cities chapter of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. (for more information please visit...

We are working to organize a PRAYING FOR ANNIE M team and will let you know how you can participate within the next couple weeks. Our hope is that we may be able to bike alongside of as many of you as we celebrate our GREAT GOD and His continual Hand throughout this journey and each of you who continue to humble us with your willingness to pray and cheer us on.
Thank you for your gracious prayers...for the immediate and long term.
May each of your hearts be blessed!

Psalm 121

1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm —
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Update from Annie- July 12, 2012

A joy-filled my mom's words:
We are praising God for good news we received yesterday. At the end of the phone call I recieved from my surgeon regarding the scan's results... I gratefully thanked him, a devoted believer, he said, don't thank me, THANK THE LORD! So with that said, we are thanking the Lord! Let me explain:
It was a long, tense weekend anticipating the scan, and a long three two days waiting for the results. One of my many faith struggles is letting go and trusting God. These experiences are growing me, but I have a long, long way to go!!!
The short report is....THE LYMPH NODES ARE SHRINKING, and there are no new nodes.
The long report is:
ALL the lymph nodes previously noted have shrunk and are less that 1 cm in size; for example a node in the retroperitoneal space was 1.8 - 1.4 cm originally and is now 4 x 8 mm. Fat stranding around the paraaortic space is decreasing (not exactly sure what that indicates), and major abdominal vasculature is patant. A node closer to the pancreas was not as significantly decreased (we'll pray over that little bugger!!!), but still decreased. The pancreatic duct is worse and is causing atrophy of the remaining body and tail of the pancreas. Definite prayer over that is needed, and a follow up call to my surgeon to see if there is something we can be doing to address the damage to my pancreas. A new cyst was seen at the pancreaticojunal anastomosis that appears to be filled with fluid, which may be a result of chronic pancreatitis (caused by the worsening condition of the pancreatic duct). My spleen, right kidney, adrenal glands, bladder, overies, uterus, lungs and chest cavity show NO evidence of metastatic disease. A lesion on my left kidney is too small to characterize, but is unchanged from a 2011 CT scan is is likely a cyst. Lesions in my liver are consistent with previous scans and appear to be consistent with fatty infiltration.
This medical jargon can all be simplified down to...the current chemo regime is working and I will continue on it, (two weeks on, one week off), indefinitely. I was reminded that this is not a cure, but a way to "buy" more time. The possibility exists that as the chemo drugs accumulate in my body they will become so toxic that I will need to take a break, or switch to another therapy. My oncologist did suggest that when the nodes are even more decreased in size I could take a one or two week break and go on a little vacation. Our 35th wedding anniversary was in June so perhaps we may be able to take a little trip to celebrate!!! It is good to have something to anticipate, and hope for.
How can we be praying together:
WITH PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING, GIVING ALL GLORY TO GOD! This good news is not by my power, but by HIS!
-we give thanks that God has again reached down, and touch my body with His healing hand
-we give thanks that the lymph nodes are all decreasing in size
-we give thanks that there is NO evidence of metastatic disease anywhere else in my body
-we give thanks that we have hope in the future
-we give thanks to each of you, praying so faithfully. You are such an encouragement to us.
-we give thanks that our faith, though it waivered, was not lost, that when we were struggling, God came along side and made His presence known
-we are thankful for the many verses in God's word that provided encouragement during times of fear
-we are thankful that God loves us, and will never, ever leave us, provides for us, encourages us, heals
-we are thankful for God's gift of salvation

-we are praying for GOD TO BE GLORIFIED on this journey, He is the great healer!
-we are praying that the lymph nodes will continue to decrease in size and eventually become none existent
-we are praying that the cancer will not spread anywhere else in my body
-we are praying for healing of my pancreas, and restored pancreatic function
-we are praying that this round of chemo will go well, that I can better manage the side effects, listen to my body, sleep when I need to, eat when I can, no additional weight loss
-that our faith, and the faith of those we love, would not waiver, but instead be strengthened by the knowledge that God is present
Thank you again for your faithful pray support. Please continue to be in prayer for me and for my family. Please, please, please share with others our story of God's faithfulness, His healing power, so that He might be glorified, and others might be drawn to Him, their faith awakened, rekindled, restored, renewed. Our God is a mighty God and a mighty Healer...all the glory and honor is His alone.

Loving you with deep gratitude,

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Update & Request from Annie

I received this update from my mom...her words articulate our family's praises and requests best.

Thank you for continuing to rally alongside us...may your hearts be blessed!

"In Christ alone, my hope is found"....this hymn keeps playing in my mind.  My "hope" is that this chemo is working.  I have had a beautiful fourth of July week with my family up at the lake.  The weather has been hot, hot, hot, which is a good excuse for resting on a lawn chair.  I am blessed to be surrounded by people I love (and who love me), in a place that brings so much peace.
On Monday I have another CT scan.  We will be looking to see if the chemo has been effective in reducing the size of the lymph nodes, and keeping the cancer from spreading.  Would you please join us in praying for good news when we get the results on Wednesday?
We are thanking God for:
-His constant presence in our lives
-that the effects of the chemo are diminishing
-a new job for B that he is enjoying!!!
-our time at the lake
and we are laying these requests before God:
-a miraculous healing; that the lymph nodes would be shrinking and that there would be no spread
-that the next round of chemo would go well, be effective, and have minimal side effects (days 3-6 were pretty rough last round)
-strength....I am so tired
-to regain the lost weight, a better appetite
-improved intestinal functioning....yes, I am still struggling
-that I would be able to reduce the amount of pain medication I am using
-that our faith would not waiver
-that God would be glorified
So many of you have asked what you can do to help.  Right now, we covet your prayers most of all.  As B settles in to his new job and is away from home our needs may change. 
Thank you so very, very much for your faithful prayer partnership.  It means so much to know you are praying, and sharing this journey with us. 


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I just received the below email from my Dad...I wanted to share it with you all as soon as possible.  Several of you continue to ask "What can I do?"...finally, we have something we need tangibly help with!  Please, please, please consider taking action (even this week) on our precious Annie's behalf...and on so many other families behalf who are walking through the journey of Pancreatic Cancer. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reply. If any of you know of any family, friends, neighbors, co-workers...anyone who may be interested in rallying alongside us we would be honored and encourage you to forward this email on!  The more letters the we feel that the letters are our way of making an 'all out attack' against this horrible cancer...all in hope that progress may continue to be made in finding a cure! 
In regard to an update on my Mom...round 2 of the new chemo regimen took place today. Other than feeling some mild stomach upset and tiredness...the infusion went well. Since our last update, she has been able to enjoy some sweet time with family...this weekend she joined extended family at my aunt and uncle's farm. We enjoyed good food, lots of laughs and even witnessed the birth of a baby goat!  My mom's grace continues to humble and amaze me (and our family) as she truly accepts each morning as un-promised and undeserved gift. Thank you for your continued prayers as we boldly pray for the chemo to eradicate every cancerous cell...for miraculous healing...for the Minnelide to be approved as quickly as possible...for my mom to be a Minnelide candidate and receive the newly developed drug...for peace that transcends ALL understanding...for sweet time with family and friends...for God to continue to be glorified!
May you be blessed and thank you thank you thank you for your help!
From my Dad:
I am Annie’s husband Bruce and I urgently need your help.  First, thank you for your continued prayers that the new chemo (started in late May) will shrink and eliminate the pancreatic cancer (she started her second round this week). That gives us hope.  Thanks to some great research at the University of Minnesota, all of us have the opportunity to create more hope.  “Minnelide” is a new pancreatic cancer drug, developed at the UofM, that has shown amazing results in animal studies.  The UofM researchers are waiting for FDA approval to start Phase 1 clinical trials of Minnelide.  FDA approval might not happen until this fall or later.  I do not know if we can wait that long.  Here is how you can help.  I have listed below the steps for how you can send separate emails to your U.S. Senators and Representative, and to the FDA, requesting that the Phase 1 clinical trial for Minnelide be approved right away.   To help save you time, I have included a paragraph that you can cut and paste into each email request.  Please feel free to make any changes to personalize your email request.  This could be a matter of life or death.  Let’s choose life!!  Thank you for helping to make life so precious, and for praying that Minnelide will be available for Annie.  Please pass on this request to others so that we have a landslide to approve Minnelide!!  God bless, --Bruce
U.S. Senators:  STEPS for sending an email to your two U.S. Senators:
1.  Go to the link below, and use the drop down menus to find the 2 U.S. Senators for your home state.  
2.  After you enter your home state, the web page will list your two U.S. Senators.  Click on the web link to each Senator, and follow the tabs for contacting that Senator by email.
3.  Here is a suggested message that you can copy and paste into each email to your U.S. Senator:
Dear Senator _________:  I am a resident of the State of _________ and have an urgent request.  My ________ [friend, aunt, cousin etc.], Annie (email us for Annie's full name if you need it) has metastatic pancreatic cancer.  A new and very promising drug called “Minnelide” may be Ann’s last hope for life.  Researchers at the University of Minnesota are waiting for FDA approval for Phase 1 clinical trials of Minnelide.  Will you please contact the FDA and urge them to complete that approval right away.  Ann is currently undergoing chemo but might run out of time if Minnelide is not approved soon.  Ann is only 56 years old.  Her two young grandchildren need their grandma for many more years to come.  Thank you for helping to make that possible. 

U.S. Representative:  STEPS for sending an email to your U.S. Representative:
1.  Go to the link below, and enter your Zipcode to find your U.S. Representative.  
2.  After you enter your Zipcode. the web page will show your U.S. Congressional Representative.  Click on the web link that has the name of your U.S. Representative, and follow the tabs for contacting your U.S. Representative by email.
3.  Here is a suggested message that you can copy and paste into the email to your U.S. Representative:
Dear Representative  _________:  I am a resident of the City of _________ and have an urgent request.  My________ [friend, aunt, cousin etc.], Annie (email us for Annie's full name if you need it) has metastatic pancreatic cancer.  A new and very promising drug called “Minnelide” may be Ann’s last hope for life.  Researchers at the University of Minnesota are waiting for FDA approval for Phase 1 clinical trials of Minnelide.  Will you please contact the FDA and urge them to complete that approval right away.  Ann is currently undergoing chemo but might run out of time if Minnelide is not approved soon.  Ann is only 56 years old.  Her two young grandchildren need their grandma for many more years to come. Thank you for helping to make that possible. 

FDA:  STEPS for sending an email to the FDA Office of Special Health Issue:
1.  The FDA Office of Special Health Issues (OSHI) is a liaison between the FDA and patients, patient advocates, and health professional organizations.  The OSHI responds to inquiries and concerns related to cancer, and provides information about the FDA drug approval process and clinical trials.
2.  Here is the email address for the FDA’s OSHI:
3.  Here is a suggested message that you can copy and paste into your email to the FDA OSHI:
Dear FDA OSHI:  I am a resident of the State of _________ and have an urgent request.  My ________ [friend, aunt, cousin etc.], Annie (email us for Annie's full name if you need it) has metastatic pancreatic cancer.  A new and very promising drug called “Minnelide” may be Ann’s last hope for life.  Researchers at the University of Minnesota are waiting for FDA approval for Phase 1 clinical trials of Minnelide.  Will you please urge the FDA approval Board to complete that approval right away.  Ann is currently undergoing chemo but might run out of time if Minnelide is not approved soon.  Ann is only 56 years old. Her two young grandchildren need their grandma for many more years to come.  Thank you for helping to make that possible. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Lake...At Last!

My mom recieved this t-shirt as a gift...this past Friday, she wore it with a smile that went from one side of her face to the we headed to the lake!!!!

We enjoyed of lot of laughing...
A lot of relaxing!

And our first camp fire of the season!
Grateful for the sweet time!!!

We praise God...
-That the pain is being managed!
-That we are able to spend time together and savor in the goodness of little pain
-For a weekend at the lake

We pray...
-That the Chemo drugs would be at work, working to irradiacate every cancerous cell
-That the pain would remain managed
-That each of our hearts would be overwhelmed with peace that transpires all understanding
-That God would continue to recieve all the glory

Thank you for all of your prayers!

Be blessed.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Praise! June 6, 2012

Just got off the phone with my MOM!!!
I didn't get to talk long, as her doctor walked in and she had to hang up...but wanted to let you all know that she woke up with NO PAIN!!!!
She told me she prayed through the night for a miracle...and God graciously heard hers and each of your prayers! Thank you thank you thank you for praying. I simply wanted to let each of you know so that you could join us in praising God for this indescribable gift this morning.
"Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. "Psalm 16:9
May your day be blessed!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Prayer Request- June 5, 2012

I just spoke with my dad and he asked that I send out a quick update/request.
The procedure from my mom's nerve block seemed to go well until about mid-afternoon. She spent the morning resting and pretty groggy. This afternoon, the pain spiked again to a level '10'. They had removed the pain pump in preparation for her planned discharge sometime tomorrow assuming that the block would indeed to its job. At this point, it doesn't seem that the block is working. My dad has a call into the Palliative Care after hours doctors to try to get a plan in place, but haven't heard back.
Would you please join us in praying BOLDLY...
-For the pain to SUBSIDE
-For the block to WORK
-For the Palliative Care Doctors to return my dad's call TONIGHT
-For PEACE that transcends ALL understanding
-For God to be glorified
A friend recently shared this prayer that I find really appropriate tonight...
“Father, we come against the fears that work to tear down hope, the reports that dash our faith, and ask that You will pour out a fresh wave of faith on those surrounding Annie. May we be as Shaddrach Meshack and Abednego faithful in life's fires to believe against all odds, and trust in the face of the flames that You are more than able. We believe on Your awesome glory to bring about what man cannot, a miraculous touch, a complete healing, and a song of praise from Your children. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.”
Thank you for your prayers...we're weary and so grateful for so many friends and family rallying on my sweet mom's behalf.
Be blessed.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Update- June 4, 2012

We hope you all have had a good start to this new week.
A quick update...
My mom is still in the hospital, working to get her pain under control. Friday was rough pain-wise and the medications that have been prescribed to her caused her to be quick drowsy/sleepy. Saturday proved much more encouraging, she was able to sleep through the majority of the night and woke up to very little pain, she ate breakfast, enjoyed visiting with family and enjoyed the reprieve. Yesterday wasn't quite as smooth, she struggled to get adequate rest as her pain level increased. Today has been similar to yesterday, none of the '10 out of 10' pain, but still struggling to manage the pain in a way that is tolerable. The doctors are working to tweak her medications which takes time so for now...we wait.
The nerve block is scheduled for 10:00 tomorrow morning (Tuesday). The hope/prayer is that the block will alleviate the majority of the pain for 30 days (the doctors think the pain is being caused by the cancerous cells pressing against a nerve). When the block wears off, they will be able to do another one (if needed), but hopefully the Chemo drugs will take effect within the 30 day block period enough to shrink the cancerous cells back/away from the nerve (that is our prayer).
Would you please join us in praying at 10:00 tomorrow morning...
-That the block would be placed in the precise location that the pain is coming from and that it would work and be effective
-That my mom's body would remain safe and be as responsive to the block as possible
-That the nurses and doctors would be patient and compassionate
-For peace-filled hearts during the procedure
Our ongoing prayers...
-That the pain would be managed so she can come home and enjoy being a wife, mom, Gram, daughter, sister, aunt and friend
-That the Chemo drugs would be going to battle now and that the cancerous cells would be receptive and eradicated
-That every one's hearts would be overwhelmed with peace
-For stamina through the journey and protection for discouragement, sickness etc.
-That God would continue to be glorified
Thank you for your prayers...I will try to send an update as soon as I receive one regarding the nerve block.
Be blessed.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Quick Update & Prayer Request - June 2, 2012

I just spoke with my dad and again this morning, we solicit prayer as the pain is still present and often a '10' on a 1-10 'pain scale'. The pain kept my mom in bed all day yesterday and is keeping her from eating. They have decided to head to the hospital to try to receive some relief and hopefully revise the 'plan of attack' pain management-wise.
My dad didn't ask for this...but I want to ask for prayer for his heart as well as his voice sounded weary this morning. The weekend isn't shaping into the weekend that any of us had hoped or planned...but in our heart of hearts we know that God is holding this weekend, my mom and this journey in the palms of His hands. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Today's Praises...
-For another that is beautiful and sunny
-For my Dad's ability to be at my mom's side
-For faithful prayer partners lifting our family up...specifically and consistently
-For so many of your emails, phone calls and hugs which provide such encouragement and remind us that we aren't traveling this journey alone

Today's Prayers...
-For relief from the pain...and for consistent and through pain management
-For hearts not to be discouraged...that God would bind Satan out!
-That the pain wouldn't provide any setbacks in her treatment
-For a MIRACLE!!! That the chemo drugs would be going to work to kill every cancerous cell in her body and that the cancer would not spread
-That we might be able to 'escape' to the lake...even if it is just for a day
-That hearts might be filled with both hope and peace
-That God would continue to receive the glory
Thank you for continuing to rally...may each of your hearts and your weekends be blessed. We promise to send another update as we learn of answered prayer or more specific requests.
May your weekends be blessed...we promise to continue with the updates.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Prayer Request- June 1, 2012

Good Morning,
I just received a call from my dad soliciting prayer, specifically in regard to my mom's pain this morning.
As of now, she has yet to get out of bed because the pain is so severe. The Palliative Care doctors are hopeful that the pain will be managed with as we wait, we are praying that the meds she does have would kick in and truly do their job. My mom's Palliative Care doctor & Oncologist were able to collaborate on another pain management plan for sometime this coming week. As of today, they are talking about placing a nerve block in the area where she is experiencing the most severe pain. We hope this additional plan will help provide her with relief so that she can truly enjoy being loved by and loving family and friends. We had planned to go to the cabin again this weekend. As of this morning, that plan is on hold as the drive up would be pretty unbearable and she doesn't want to potentially end up in the hospital away from home again. Both my parents mentioned that plans these days seem to be on an hourly basis...we haven't totally pulled the plug on the weekend away and are hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
Today's Praises...
-For another that is beautiful and sunny
-For the chance for the Palliative Care Team to collaborate with the Oncologist
-For my Dad's ability to be at my mom's side
-For faithful prayer partners lifting our family up...specifically and consistently
-For so many of your emails, phone calls and hugs which provide such encouragement and remind us that we aren't traveling this journey alone
Today's Prayers...
-For relief from the pain...and for consistent and through pain management
-For hearts not to be discouraged...that God would bind Satan out!
-That the pain wouldn't provide any setbacks in her treatment
-For a MIRACLE!!! That the chemo drugs would be going to work to kill every cancerous cell in her body and that the cancer would not spread
-That we might be able to 'escape' to the lake...even if it is just for a day
-That hearts might be filled with both hope and peace
-That God would continue to receive the glory
Thank you for continuing to rally...may each of your hearts and your weekends be blessed. We promise to send another update as we learn of answered prayer or more specific requests.