Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I just received the below email from my Dad...I wanted to share it with you all as soon as possible.  Several of you continue to ask "What can I do?"...finally, we have something we need tangibly help with!  Please, please, please consider taking action (even this week) on our precious Annie's behalf...and on so many other families behalf who are walking through the journey of Pancreatic Cancer. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reply. If any of you know of any family, friends, neighbors, co-workers...anyone who may be interested in rallying alongside us we would be honored and encourage you to forward this email on!  The more letters the better...as we feel that the letters are our way of making an 'all out attack' against this horrible cancer...all in hope that progress may continue to be made in finding a cure! 
In regard to an update on my Mom...round 2 of the new chemo regimen took place today. Other than feeling some mild stomach upset and tiredness...the infusion went well. Since our last update, she has been able to enjoy some sweet time with family...this weekend she joined extended family at my aunt and uncle's farm. We enjoyed good food, lots of laughs and even witnessed the birth of a baby goat!  My mom's grace continues to humble and amaze me (and our family) as she truly accepts each morning as un-promised and undeserved gift. Thank you for your continued prayers as we boldly pray for the chemo to eradicate every cancerous cell...for miraculous healing...for the Minnelide to be approved as quickly as possible...for my mom to be a Minnelide candidate and receive the newly developed drug...for peace that transcends ALL understanding...for sweet time with family and friends...for God to continue to be glorified!
May you be blessed and thank you thank you thank you for your help!
From my Dad:
I am Annie’s husband Bruce and I urgently need your help.  First, thank you for your continued prayers that the new chemo (started in late May) will shrink and eliminate the pancreatic cancer (she started her second round this week). That gives us hope.  Thanks to some great research at the University of Minnesota, all of us have the opportunity to create more hope.  “Minnelide” is a new pancreatic cancer drug, developed at the UofM, that has shown amazing results in animal studies.  The UofM researchers are waiting for FDA approval to start Phase 1 clinical trials of Minnelide.  FDA approval might not happen until this fall or later.  I do not know if we can wait that long.  Here is how you can help.  I have listed below the steps for how you can send separate emails to your U.S. Senators and Representative, and to the FDA, requesting that the Phase 1 clinical trial for Minnelide be approved right away.   To help save you time, I have included a paragraph that you can cut and paste into each email request.  Please feel free to make any changes to personalize your email request.  This could be a matter of life or death.  Let’s choose life!!  Thank you for helping to make life so precious, and for praying that Minnelide will be available for Annie.  Please pass on this request to others so that we have a landslide to approve Minnelide!!  God bless, --Bruce
U.S. Senators:  STEPS for sending an email to your two U.S. Senators:
1.  Go to the link below, and use the drop down menus to find the 2 U.S. Senators for your home state.  
2.  After you enter your home state, the web page will list your two U.S. Senators.  Click on the web link to each Senator, and follow the tabs for contacting that Senator by email.
3.  Here is a suggested message that you can copy and paste into each email to your U.S. Senator:
Dear Senator _________:  I am a resident of the State of _________ and have an urgent request.  My ________ [friend, aunt, cousin etc.], Annie (email us for Annie's full name if you need it) has metastatic pancreatic cancer.  A new and very promising drug called “Minnelide” may be Ann’s last hope for life.  Researchers at the University of Minnesota are waiting for FDA approval for Phase 1 clinical trials of Minnelide.  Will you please contact the FDA and urge them to complete that approval right away.  Ann is currently undergoing chemo but might run out of time if Minnelide is not approved soon.  Ann is only 56 years old.  Her two young grandchildren need their grandma for many more years to come.  Thank you for helping to make that possible. 

U.S. Representative:  STEPS for sending an email to your U.S. Representative:
1.  Go to the link below, and enter your Zipcode to find your U.S. Representative.  
2.  After you enter your Zipcode. the web page will show your U.S. Congressional Representative.  Click on the web link that has the name of your U.S. Representative, and follow the tabs for contacting your U.S. Representative by email.
3.  Here is a suggested message that you can copy and paste into the email to your U.S. Representative:
Dear Representative  _________:  I am a resident of the City of _________ and have an urgent request.  My________ [friend, aunt, cousin etc.], Annie (email us for Annie's full name if you need it) has metastatic pancreatic cancer.  A new and very promising drug called “Minnelide” may be Ann’s last hope for life.  Researchers at the University of Minnesota are waiting for FDA approval for Phase 1 clinical trials of Minnelide.  Will you please contact the FDA and urge them to complete that approval right away.  Ann is currently undergoing chemo but might run out of time if Minnelide is not approved soon.  Ann is only 56 years old.  Her two young grandchildren need their grandma for many more years to come. Thank you for helping to make that possible. 

FDA:  STEPS for sending an email to the FDA Office of Special Health Issue:
1.  The FDA Office of Special Health Issues (OSHI) is a liaison between the FDA and patients, patient advocates, and health professional organizations.  The OSHI responds to inquiries and concerns related to cancer, and provides information about the FDA drug approval process and clinical trials.
2.  Here is the email address for the FDA’s OSHI:
3.  Here is a suggested message that you can copy and paste into your email to the FDA OSHI:
Dear FDA OSHI:  I am a resident of the State of _________ and have an urgent request.  My ________ [friend, aunt, cousin etc.], Annie (email us for Annie's full name if you need it) has metastatic pancreatic cancer.  A new and very promising drug called “Minnelide” may be Ann’s last hope for life.  Researchers at the University of Minnesota are waiting for FDA approval for Phase 1 clinical trials of Minnelide.  Will you please urge the FDA approval Board to complete that approval right away.  Ann is currently undergoing chemo but might run out of time if Minnelide is not approved soon.  Ann is only 56 years old. Her two young grandchildren need their grandma for many more years to come.  Thank you for helping to make that possible. 

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