Thank you for your continued Mom is feeling them as she is experiencing some relief from the side effects and pain...PRAISE GOD!!!! We are continuing to BOLDLY pray that cancer would have no part in this weekend's wedding festivities and that my Mom may be able to be solely be focused on the wedding celebration and NOT cancer/treatment! We are so grateful for your continued prayers, thank you!
This verse provides such a sweet reminder or God's goodness and help...
"The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies." Psalm 118:7
God continues to humble us by providing help. His help doesn't always look the way we might hope, but His help continues to sustain and is new every morning. Each of your prayers are tangible examples of His love to us...we do look in triumph towards this awful enemy of cancer!
As promised, below is information my Dad has compiled about this year's Purple Ride. It would be such an honor to bike alongside each of you as you all continue to bless our family by your willingness to intercede on my Mom's behalf. We'd love to hear who is planning on riding (including virtual riders) so we can look for you the day of the ride, hopefully assemble our Praying for Annie M team to snap a photo and thank each of you for your participation.
Please Support Pancreatic Cancer Research and Care by joining in the Purple Ride on Saturday morning, September 15, 2012 at Elm Creek Regional Park in Maple Grove, Minnesota.
The Purple Ride is an 8 mile or 25 mile leisurely bike ride for the entire family.
To register, please go to the link below or Google “Purple Ride.” You will need to register online by August 17 to receive a T-Shirt.
You can register individually (paying the $25 registration fee for adults or $10 for kids) or join as a member of the “Praying for Annie M” team! To join our team, follow the team registration tabs, and look for the name “Praying for Annie M” in the drop down box. Please note, the Pancreatic Action Network (PanCan, the sponsor of the Purple Ride) asks that everyone who joins a team try to gather donations that total $150 or more per team member. If you join our team but are not able to fund raise for the entire $150 target, that is okay as it is only a goal and PanCan does not require that any specific amount be raised (the only required amount is the individual registration fee of $25 for adults and $10 for kids).
If you are not able to ride, or are not able to attend on September 15, you can register to ride “virtually” and make a donation to PanCan at the same web site.
PanCan is a wonderful organization that supports survivors, caregivers, researchers and more!
We hope to see you at the Purple Ride. And, thank you, thank you for your continued prayers for Annie M!!
Please follow this link to register for the purple ride:
be blessed.
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