Thank you for your prayers this week...we've felt them. Below is an update from my always, her words are best!
Praising God, dancing the happy dance, singing songs of thanksgiving. The Scan looks great. The lymph nodes are either stable or shrinking and there is NO evidence of further involvement in the pelvic, abdominal, or thoracic regions. Don't we worship an awesome God???? He heard our prayers and answered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, where do we go from here? Continued chemo on a three week schedule. The side effects from one of the drugs have become so difficult, (burning and blistering of my fingers and feet), that we will be cutting back the dosage for the next two cycles. I have been given an appetite stimulant to help regain the weight I have lost, and am beginning to try to cut back the pain medications I have been takeng in hopes that I can begin to drive again soon. Although many have been gracious to drive me around, I miss the freedom of just getting in the car, getting out of the house, and running a couple of quick errands.
How can we be praying together:
Prayers of Praise and thanksgiving....
-May God be given all the glory and honor for the good news we received this week
-thanksgiving for a beautiful, magical wedding weekend with K & J
-thanksgiving for feeling well enough to go to the lake this weekend with family to rest and recover from this latest round of chemo
-thanksgiving for chemo that is working
-thanksgiving for all the wonderful support for the Purple guys are awesome to support pancreatic cancer sufferers and survivors nationwide! We are praying that all this support will fund research that leads to a CURE!
-thanksgiving for each of you who so willingly pray for another, you are the best prayer warriors ever!!!
Prayers of Petition...
-calm stomach, functioning bowels
-strength....I am so weak and so tired....daily I am relying on the strength of God to get me through the day...not a bad thing, relying on God, but draining on those around me
-that the chemo would continue to be effective even at the lower dose
-that my new meds would work as they should, and that cutting back the pain meds would be successful
-a wonderful, memory filled Labor Day weekend at the lake with family
Thank you for sharing our journey. Please share with others God's faithfulness, to God be ALL THE GLORY!
Loving you in Christ's name,
Also, thank you thank you! To those of you who are participating both in person and virtually on our Praying for Annie M Purple Ride Team. We are so grateful for your support and looking forward to a fun-filled bike ride. If you haven't signed up to participate and would like to...we would be thrilled and would like to thank you by sending you a Praying for Annie M Team shirt. Please visit the blog for Purple Ride and t-shirt design details. We need to place our order for the shirts no later than Monday evening (August 27th), so please please please sign up before then so we can include you. Thinking about people all over the country wearing the shirts is so exciting as it tangibly represents the prayers being lifted from each of your various locations!
If you have any questions or if you have signed up/donated to our team, please email us your shirt size as we would be delighted to get it to you.
Be blessed.
Be blessed.
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