I just received this update and request from my mom and wanted to pass it on before the week gets started. Thank you so much for continuing to rally and pray as we BOLDLY come before our gracious Heavenly Father, our ultimate Healer!
"Be still, and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10.
I hope you all had a blessed Lenten time and a joyous Easter celebration. My extended family gathered at my sister's house. We were missing our KC family of six, (soon to be seven!), my brother and his wife, and our youngest son and his wife and still there were 28 of us! I love being surrounded by family, the shared stories, the "remember when's", the busyness of the next generation of little ones, shared food preparation, new and old traditions. It was good, no.....excellent. In the midst of all of this, I am reminded that Jesus' death and resurrection is my hope.
I have felt well the last couple of months, gradually regaining strength and stamina. I still battle fatigue and find my head hitting the pillow in the early evening. I am able to sleep through the night most nights now which is a huge improvement. My greatest difficulty is the peripheral neuropathy. Although it seems to be an oxymoron, my hands and feet tingle constantly as if I had hit my "funny bone", and yet my fingers and toes are numb. Go figure that one. So, please join me in praying that over the months ahead, those symptoms would subside, and eventually go away completely. I am reminded by my doctor that it took 16 months to get this way, and I need to allow an equal amount of time for it to go away. With God's help, I am learning to me more patient. Don't get me wrong, there have been tears of frustration, but I am grateful for what God, through chemo has accomplished. I continue to strive to give Him all the glory and honor. My family is very patient with me when I need help buttoning a button, zipping a zipper, opening a ziplock bag, writing/typing an e-mail or a letter, sending a text message. We have had many chuckles about what I am not suppose to do, (use the oven, stove, microwave, iron, knives), and do anyway. I am learning to adapt, and I am gaining a lot more understanding and compassion for those with similar or worse challenges. I am alive, and that is what matters. I can bring glory to God. I can offer up prayers of thanksgiving, and sing praises for all I can do, and small improvements along the way. I can share my story and offer encouragement to others. I can listen. I am also thankful that spring is finally finding its way to the north country. The snow is mostly gone, the breezes are warmer, the birds are returning and there songs are welcome. I look forward to being able to walk outside in another few weeks. We have celebrated March birthdays, a special four year old included. April brings more birthdays including a special 2 year old. In May we will celebrate even more family birthdays, and welcome our third grandchild and in June more birthdays and we will welcome our fourth grandchild. With each celebration we give thanks for life, and all the promises that it brings. Thank you God!!!
I am so grateful for your continued care, concern and prayer support. I have a CT Scan tomorrow afternoon and will get results on Wednesday. A little scheduling snafu will prevent us from having the results when I see the doctor on Tuesday morning. We are planning to discuss options should the scan again be clear. PLEASE join us in praying for a clear scan that shows NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER in my body. We would also appreciate your prayers for wisdom, and peace as we make changes to my chemo regimen.
You all have been such faithful prayer warriors. Thank you! I am honored to be praying for some of you. If there is a prayer you would like to share, I would be honored to pray for you. God does hear each and every prayer we utter.
I wish you all a delightful spring. As new life springs forth, baby animals are born, grass becomes green, leaves unfurl from tree branches, flowers push up through the soil may we each stand in awe of our God and his creation.
I pray that you will be blessed,
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