Good morning. I received this update from my mom and her words are far better than mine would be, her heart continues to humble us all. From now on, we'll send prayer requests/updates from this email account (, we'll also continue to update the blog ( Using this email address will help keep each of your responses organized to make sure my mom and dad are able to read each of them as they provide such encouragement and salve for our hearts. We will try our hardest to respond to your reply emails...if you don't hear from us, please keep sending them and know that we are grateful for your support, encouragement and prayers...we will respond when we are able. We continue to be so grateful for all of you, thank you for your prayers as this mountainous journey continues and we keep climbing and pray that God receives all the glory. Be blessed.
This morning I am praising God because He loves me, praising God that I am home, praising God for rest in my own bed, praising God for family and friends that love me.
I spent the last four days in the hospital at the University of Minnesota. I was admitted with severe stomach pain that could not be helped with some pretty powerful pain medications. In trying to find the cause of my pain another pancreatic CT scan was ordered. It showed some lymph nodes around my pancreas. A needle biopsy was performed on Tuesday and the biopsy indicated the presence of cancer. Certainly not the news we were hoping for. Once again, we find ourselves on our knees pleading with God for a MIRACULOUS CURE! On Tuesday I will begin a new cheomo regime of 5FU and Oxaliplatin. These drugs were part of my original chemo regimen and my tumor showed a good response then. We are praying that it will again.Specifically we are praying for:
-a relief from the pain which ironically was not caused by the cancer
-an overwhelmingly positive response to the new chemo, that it would kill every cancer cell floating around my body
-that my body will tolerate the new chemo well
-strength for the journey
-that I can be enrolled in a clinical trial of oral 5FU and Ruxolinitirib (who names these drugs!!!) as soon as possible
-that a new drug, Minnelide, will be approved by the FDA for clinical trials, (sometime this fall), and I could be enrolled in that study
-for my family....this is an unexpected turn of events and we are all trying to wrap our minds around it
-that our faith would not waiver, that we would keep our eyes steadfastly on our Savior
-that we might not be consumed by fear, but instead be filled with a sense of God's perfect peace as we trust Him
-that we can walk this new journey with grace, and that God will be glorified.
-thanksgiving that pain took me to the ER and we found out about the reoccurrence now, instead of in July when my next scan was scheduled, buying precious time for treatment
-thanksgiving for the peace I do feel
-thanksgiving for my family who is rallying around me, supporting me and each other
-thanksgiving for each of you, precious prayer warriors who pray without ceasing on our behalf
We are heading to the lake this weekend, praying we come home filled with joy, happy memories, rested and ready to take the next steps. May your holiday weekend be filled with the same. Daily we are reminded how precious life is....and not to take even one moment for granted.
May each of you be blessed,
2 Corinthians 12:9 - "My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness."
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