Thank you for all of your fervent prayers...sorry for the lack of updates as there haven't been any major changes since the last post. and the weekend got away from me.
The hospital staff is still working to get my mom's digestive system to wake up...still to no avail. She is receiving all her nutrition from her port site (what they used for her chemo) until her digestive system wakes up. They preformed an x-ray of her digestive system today to try to understand what the 'hold up' might be and hope to learn more from the doctor some time tomorrow.
In regard to pain, she says it is 'bearable'...which is a praise. She is receiving her medication through her port since she is not able to eat/drink. When the pain becomes unbearable, she has a button that she is able to push which administers a 'boost' of medication...which is quite helpful when she is awake.
After two days asleep in bed, she finally was able to get up and try walking last night and today. She is taking the walking much slower than before but encouraged that she is out of bed.
Tonight's praises:
-Things haven't gotten worse
-Continued patience, support and compassion from her nursing staff
-Getting up to walk!
-Having the pain somewhat under control
-Having another conversation about her Jesus Calling Devotional with the Resident Doctor working alongside Dr. V!
Tonight's prayers:
-That her digestive system would wake up
-That she would be able to begin eating and drinking again (and not have fear when that time arrives)
-That her pain would continue to be managed and maybe even begin to subside
-That the x-ray of her digestive track would provide answers
-That the pathology report would come back clear (we are still waiting for the results)
-That God would continue being glorified
Thank you for your patience with my lack of posts and for all of your prayers.
May you enjoy a blessed start to this new week!
To God be the Glory!
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