Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Finally An Update!

Thank you for your concern and patience regarding our lack of email updates and posts on the blog...I will let my mom, yes my mom! explain our delay...thank you so much for your continued prayers! I promise to be better about posting...this just wasn't my news to tell...it needed to come from my mom as we all continue to be in awe and quite honestly without words as we marvel at what God has done.


My most sincere apology for the delayed posting but honestly, I am at a loss for words to express what my heart is feeling. GOD IS SO FAITHFUL!!!! As are each of you, our prayer partners. We are standing in awe of God's mighty miracle....tumor out, clean margins, thirty of thirty lymph nodes completely clear....surprised??? No, this is what we have been praying for. Humbled???? Yes, our God is a mighty, mighty God!!! So many hymns of praise run through my mind....TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!
I came home late Friday and it is so good to be home....so good not to be awaken every 2 hours for vitals, blood tests, meds.... My digestive track has yet to begin functioning so I am on TPN which provides all the nourishment my body needs intravenously through my port. B "hooks me up" at 6:00pm and a little pump pumps the nutrition into my body for 14 hours through the night. Isn't technology wonderful? Thank God for the bright minds of scientists and researchers who have, through HIM, made this all possible. During the day, I am "untethered" and able to move around, go out, and begin to resume a more "normal" life. I have some pain, but thankfully it is manageable with the medications I have available. I have been able to enjoy time with family, even playing lego with my favorite....ok only.....grandson. And....I am looking forward to visitors, finally I am feeling up to visits, at least in the morning when I am rested and fresh. So, if you are in "my neck of the woods" please feel free to call and come by. I would like to give you a big hug, and thank you personally for your commitment and dedication to praying for me. In two weeks I will resume chemotherapy for 4-6 months, through the summer. The treatment plan is yet to be decided, and we covet your prayers for wisdom and discernment for the doctors as they make the decision as to how to go forward from here. Personally, I hope for the most aggressive treatment that my body can handle. I trust God will lead us to the very best choice.
Again, words can not express our gratitude to each of you. Thank you for your love and continual support on this journey, it is far from over, but I feel that we have, thanks to God, reached the summit of this mountain. It is such a blessing to share with you how God has been ever-present. Thank you for continuing to pray with us and for us...joining us in praising God for the miracle He has performed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thank You Sweet Cheerleaders!

Your words in response to the CLEAR PATHOLOGY report have been nothing short of encouraging and joy-filled! 

These are just a few of your cheers that have resonated in our hearts as we continue to celebrate God's gracious miracle!

"Hallelujah!...Still Praying...Praise God!...Thank you Jesus!...He has given your family a miracle...Blessed be the name of the Lord!...Tears fill my eyes with gratitude...What a gracious God we serve...this is the Best news...Yeh! Go God!...Psalm 150:2...Yay God!...Praise the Lord!...Tears are running down my face as we praise and exalt the God who over rules, intercedes, intervenes, and redirects...This is positively the highlight of my year!...Utterly Amazing...Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!!!!!...Jumping, Leaping and Praising God!...and some who have typed that they are left speechless!"

If only we had the ability to put these cheers to music...what a phenomenal song of praise that might be!

"Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." Psalm 150

Thank you for your continued prayers of praise and request. My mom's digestive system is still not awake...leaving quite a bit of discomfort and discouragement.   We know that God's hand is all over this journey and pray for patience as we wait for things to wake up and recovery to continue...until then, we continue to relish in the sweet and gracious miracle God provided and pray that we won't ever forget what GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!!!

Be blessed.

Monday, January 23, 2012


The lyrics to this hymn are ringing through our ears and hearts today as we learned that my mom's pathology report came back CLEAR!!!!!!

We count this nothing short of a miraculous as they removed 30 lymph nodes from the area where the tumor was located and all 30 came back clear!!!! This is remarkable and unquestionably the work of our Mighty God's Hand!

As for today, the x-ray results from yesterday left little conclusion in regard to understanding what might be preventing my mom's digestive system from fully waking up. This morning, the doctor ordered a CT scan in effort to gain an even better understanding. They are still waiting on the scans results and praying that her system would wake up from this great sleep that its had and finally begin working again. Until then, she will continue receiving nourishment from her port site.

The pain is about the same as yesterday, it is being managed through her port and she is using the 'booster button' frequently. The pain isn't keeping her from walking...which is another praise.  She was able to walk to the end of the hallway where there is a sitting area where she worked to piece together a puzzle while enjoying the view over the river as the snow fell from the sky.

Today's Praises:
-That she was able to walk
-That her pain is being managed
-For God's glory in regard to the pathology report...this is truly nothing short of miraculous!

Today's Prayers:
-That her digestive system would wake up

-That the hospital staffs patience, compassion and care would continue
-That my mom's heart would be patient
-That the hospital staff and those walking alongside us in this journey would stand in awe of this miracle...that God would ultimately receive all the glory for what He has done and what He is doing!

Thank you for your continued prayers.
Today is a day of utter jubilation!
Be blessed.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

End of the Weekend Update

Thank you for all of your fervent prayers...sorry for the lack of updates as there haven't been any major changes since the last post. and the weekend got away from me.

The hospital staff is still working to get my mom's digestive system to wake up...still to no avail. She is receiving all her nutrition from her port site (what they used for her chemo) until her digestive system wakes up. They preformed an x-ray of her digestive system today to try to understand what the 'hold up' might be and hope to learn more from the doctor some time tomorrow.

In regard to pain, she says it is 'bearable'...which is a praise. She is receiving her medication through her port since she is not able to eat/drink.  When the pain becomes unbearable, she has a button that she is able to push which administers a 'boost' of medication...which is quite helpful when she is awake.

After two days asleep in bed, she finally was able to get up and try walking last night and today. She is taking the walking much slower than before but encouraged that she is out of bed.

Tonight's praises:
-Things haven't gotten worse
-Continued patience, support and compassion from her nursing staff
-Getting up to walk!
-Having the pain somewhat under control
-Having another conversation about her Jesus Calling Devotional with the Resident Doctor working alongside Dr. V!

Tonight's prayers:
-That her digestive system would wake up
-That she would be able to begin eating and drinking again (and not have fear when that time arrives)
-That her pain would continue to be managed and maybe even begin to subside
-That the x-ray of her digestive track would provide answers
-That the pathology report would come back clear (we are still waiting for the results)
-That God would continue being glorified

Thank you for your patience with my lack of posts and for all of your prayers.
May you enjoy a blessed start to this new week!
To God be the Glory!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Please Keep Praying

Please continue to pray for miraculous healing.
Last night provided another rough go as my mom dry heaved several times throughout the night. The hospital staff is hopeful that the new plan for jump starting her digestive system may work, but know that the plan in place will be quite uncomfortable/painful.  In regard to pain management, the staff is still struggling to manage her pain orally.

Today's prayers:
-That the NG tube would continue to work
-That her body would gain necessary nutrients from the feeding tube
-That her body would accept and discard nutrients that she is able to eat when the time comes
-That her digestive system would finally begin working
-That her heart and my dad's heart would not be discouraged
-For good quality rest
-That she would regain strength to be able to walk again
-For the pathology report to come back CLEAR (it will probably come sometime today)
-For the doctors and nurses to have patience and compassion as they discern her case/response to surgery and that they may see her as unique and tailor their care in the best and most effective ways possible
-That God would remain glorified

Thank you for your prayers...the past few days have felt quite slow and our hearts are weary.
May your Friday be blessed.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


My dad just called soliciting a blog update and prayer.  Today has been a day of set backs...and honestly, quite discouraging.

My mom has had her eyes closed the majority of the day, mostly as a result of discomfort and pain. My dad said that the pain isn't located in one place, but rather all over. She stayed in bed all day and wasn't able to get up to walk.

She vomited again this afternoon, which is of some concern. The hospital staff thinks her NG tube might not have been placed low enough, of which they are working to remedy.  As of now, she is receiving all nutrients via her feeding tube.

Would you please join us in praying specifically:
-For the NG tube to work
-For her pain to be managed
-For rest-filled quality sleep tonight that will help her body heal
-For her digestive system to finally re-start
-For her heart & my dad's heat to not be discouraged
-That the doctors and nurses would have discernment and see her case/response to surgery as unique and truly tailor their care in the best and most efficient ways possible
-For tomorrow's sunrise to bring a new day filled with hope, encouragement and little setbacks
-For her to be able to get up and walk soon
-For the pathology report to be clear
-For God's continued glory

Thank you for praying so fervently.

Immediate Prayer Request

I just got a call from my dad and my mom needs prayer as they are experiencing some setbacks this morning.

Last night didn't provide a smooth night like we had hoped.

About 11pm, my mom threw up (probably because her digestive system hasn't restarted and the food needed to go somewhere). They decided to start an NG tube and a feeding tube to both empty her stomach and make sure she is receiving nutrients.

In regard to pain, they are struggling to manage the pain with the oral medication.

Would you please join us in petitioning on my mom's behalf...that her digestive system would finally begin working, that the NG tube and feeding tube would be short lived and that her pain would be managed.

Thank you for rallying around her!
Yesterday (Wednesday) proved to be another good day, despite a lesson in patience. They had planned on pulling my mom's epidural in the morning...which she mentally prepared herself for. About mid morning, she learned that plans had changed and that they wanted her to try more oral pain medication before the epidurals removal. Waiting for the epidural to be removed was hard, simply because of the uncertainty tied to not having the epidural any more.

I spoke with my dad just before bed and they had just removed the epidural. He said she was more uncomfortable then when the epidural was in place but was able to 'cope' with the pain more than she had initially thought...praise God!

As of the epidurals removal, she is almost tube/cord free! This will make getting out of bed to walk less cumbersome and hopefully more walking will mean her digestive track's re-boot will happen sooner rather than later!

She is continuing to 'enjoy' food outside of her initial liquid diet and is hopeful that this will continue.

Aside from the physical details of how things are going, God is working in incredible ways. My mom has been able to have several conversations with her nursing staff about who she has her Hope placed in. She has learned even learned that one of her nurses grew up in a missionary home over seas and been able to learn about life in Africa! 

On one of Dr. V's visits, he asked my mom about the book she had on the bedside table (her copy of Jesus Calling by, Sarah Young). My mom was able to tell him about it and how the scripture references in the book have spoken directly to her heart as she has walked through this journey. Dr. V then said "I should find myself a copy of that book, I think I would enjoy it"!  My mom and dad don't know where Dr. V stands spiritually...to hear him say this brought incredible joy to yesterday as it was a small glimpse of God's receiving glory through this challenging time.

Thank you for your continued prayers as today seems to begin a new chapter in regard to pain management and mobility.

Today's praises:
-The epidural removal
-Eating more solid foods
-For more and more mobility
-For God's hands at work
-For the spiritual conversations with doctors and nurses

Today's prayers:
-That pain would be managed well with oral medication
-That she would be able to walk often today
-That her digestive system would finally figure things out!
-That she and my dad would be able to have more intentional conversations with doctors and nurses
-That God would continue to receive the Glory

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Also, in effort to keep your email accounts un-infected,  we won't be using Sara's prior email (sarae_______@yahoo.com) account to send emails from any longer.  We hope to be able to continue sending update emails, they will now come from thefamily___________@gmail.com (the underlined portion is the same word that is missing in the old address.  If you would like to send Annie an email of encouragement, please use the gmail address or if you get an email from this new address...it is simply us touching base.

Enjoy a blessed day!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Post Surgery Day #5

Good Morning!

This morning is a big day for Annie as they are going to remove her epidural and try to manage her pain orally. As overwhelming as this sounds, it means one step closer to her 'summit' and a step closer to getting home which all of us look forward to with great anticipation.

She was able to enjoy some mashed potatoes for dinner last night and then tried scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning...definite progress...though she is still patiently waiting for her digestive system to 're-boot' itself.

Today's praises:
-Definite progress...beginning to move away from the liquid diet and onto more normal-like meals
-For yesterdays 'goodness' and this morning starting off well
-For continued opportunities to get up and walk in hope that walking might encourage the 're-boot'
-For incredible and caring nursing staff
-For the beautiful view outside her hospital room window

Today's prayers:
-For the removal of the epidural to be safe and smooth
-For the oral medication to completely manage her pain
-For her digestive system to finally begin to 're-boot'
-For a CLEAR pathology report, that her LYMPH SYSTEM WOULD BE UNAFFECTED!!!
-For God's continued glory!

The entry for January 18th in Jesus Calling by, Sarah Young seems quite appropriate for today's praises and prayers:

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
(Image taken from Amazon.com)

"I AM LEADING YOU ALONG THE HIGH ROAD, but there are descents as well as ascents. In the distance you see snow-covered peaks glistening brilliant sunlight. Your longing to reach those peaks is good, but you must not take shortcuts. You assignment is to follow Me, allowing Me to direct your path. Let the heights beckon you onward, but stay close to me.
Learn to trust Me when things go "wrong." Disruption to your routine highlight your dependence on Me. Trusting acceptance of trials brings blessing that far outweigh them all.  Walk hand in hand with Me through this day. I have lovingly planned every inch of the way. Trust does not falter when the path becomes rocky and steep. Breathe deep draughts of My Presence, and hold tightly to My hand. Together we can make it."
"John 21:19; 2 Corinthians 4:17; Habakkuk 3:19"

Today we walk confidently, hand in hand with Jesus!
Thank you for praying.
May you be blessed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Spam Emails

We feel like there is some major spiritual warfare going on...as Sara's email has been 'hijacked' by a 'spammer'.

If you receive any emails from Sara that do not have "Update" in the subject line DO NOT OPEN THEM.  We will most likely just use the blog until this email problem is resolved.

We apologize...this is quite a thorn in every one's side.

Thank you for your continued prayers...the day is continuing to be sweet! Praise God!

Post Surgery Day #4

We are singing from the roof tops this morning as last night was a good night and today has been the start of a sweet new day!

This morning, my mom enjoyed her first cup of coffee...has been up walking...walked to the sitting area at the end of the hall to sit and enjoy the snowy view from her 'tree house-like' nook from up high on the hospital floor. She is experiencing the best vision that she has experienced in several weeks...noticing that she can make the buildings out from across the river...THEY AREN'T BLURRY!

"The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice and be glad." Psalm 118: 23-24

We are still praying for:
-restoration of her digestive system
-continued pain management
-continued strength
-for a CLEAR pathology report & a MIRACLE of NO LYMPH INVOLVEMENT!
-for God's continued glory

Enjoying joy-filled and warm hearts on this  chilly chilly Minnesota day!

Thank you for praying.
May you be blessed.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Post Surgery Update #3

Thank you for your continued prayers...below is a quick update.

As most of us slept last night, my mom (and dad) encountered their first 'step back' while in 'recovery mode. Late last night, my mom's epidural tubing got caught as she was trying to walk one last time before going to sleep. The tubing that got caught was not what was inserted in her back (praise God), but did affect the sterile-ness of the epidural itself which meant she had to have the epidural removed and then reinserted.  This was quite painful as she had some time without the epidural inserted.

The anesthesiologist didn't want to reinsert that epidural and wanted to try to manage her pain orally and via her IV...which could have prevented her digestive track from 're-booting and would provide a more challenging avenue for pain management.  Thankfully, my mom's nurse, concerned about the pain and lack of epidural, called Dr. V...who picked up the phone and immediately placed an order that the epidural be re-inserted!  Relieved, my mom and dad were able to finally go to sleep around midnight.

The rest of the night and early mornings of the day proved uneventful. She spent the day resting, walking and enjoying her new clear liquid diet!

Today's praises:
-Dr. V picking up the phone!
-Getting up to walk several times
-Starting clear liquids (jell-o, flavored ice, chicken broth)
-Having the drains removed from the surgical site
-For patient, consistent and caring nursing staff
-For a room with a beautiful view for sunrises and sunsets
-For simple beauty. My dad brought some potted bulbs to my mom's hospital room to sit on the window sill and today they actually bloomed!

Today's prayer requests:
-That her digestive system would finally begin to 're-boot'
-That pain would be managed consistently (some moments are better than others)
-For an uneventful night tonight, for good quality rest
-To continue to regain strength
-For the pathology reports to come back CLEAR and for the LYMPH SYSTEM NOT TO BE AFFECTED/INVOLVED!
-For God's glory throughout this chapter of the journey

This song's lyrics provide great encouragement for each of these post surgery days that bring my mom a little bit closer to the summit of this mountain...may she and all of us choose to say...
Blessed Be Your Name 
by, Matt Redman
Blessed be Your name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say:

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say:
Lord, blessed be Your name

Blessed be His name!
Be blessed.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Post Surgery Day #2 Update

Today has been similar to yesterday...which is a praise!

-My mom got up to walk again this afternoon.  She was able to walk to the end of the hall and sit in a recliner in a common sitting area where she got to enjoy the view looking over the river. They were even hoping to get her up to walk one more time before bed!
-The nursing staff caring for her has been fantastic thus far!
-She was able to sleep through the night last night and slept the majority of the day today.
-The time in the hospital (for my dad) seems to go by rather quickly throughout the day.
-Learning that she is doing as well as she possibly could be doing after such a long and complicated procedure.

Prayer Requests:
-That her digestive system would begin to 'reboot' itself, so she can begin to drink and ultimately eat again soon.
-For continued ability to manage her pain well.
-For consistent and effective pain management once the epidural is removed.
-That her body would continue to gain strength as she rests.
-For continued caring and patient nursing staff.
-For a truly MIRACULOUS and CLEAR pathology report, for the lymph system to NOT BE AFFECTED.
-For God's glory to remain at the forefront of this journey.

Once again, thank you for your continued prayers...thank you for praying so specifically and fervently.

May you be blessed as this new week begins.

Encouragement for Recovery Day #2

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
(image taken from amazon.com)

Good Morning!
I haven't learned specifics about last night, I promise to provide an update as soon as I have one...but just read January 15th from Sarah Young's  Jesus Calling  and felt compelled to share as you all continue to rally in prayer around my mom.

"MY FACE IS SHINING UPON YOU, beaming out Peace that transcends understanding. You are surrounded by a sea of problems, but you are face to Face with Me, your Peace. As long as you focus on Me, you are safe. If you gaze too long at the myriad problems around you, you will sink under the weight of your burdens. When you start to sink, simply call out "Help me, Jesus!" and I will lift you up.
The closer you live to Me, the safe you are. Circumstances around you are undulating, and there are treacherous-looking waves in the distance. Fix your eyes on Me, the One who never changes. By the time those waves reach you, they will have shrunk to proportions of My design. I am always beside you helping you face today's waves. The future is a phantom, seeking to spook you. Laugh at the future! Stay close to me." Taken from January 15th (p.16)

Philippians 4:7; Matthew 14:30 & Hebrews 12:2

Our prayer this morning is that peace would continue to transcend all understanding. That both my mom and dad, though they are surrounded by roaring waves would experience God's peace...and that He would keep them safe. That they wouldn't gaze and become transfixed on the 'problems' and challenges surrounding them and feel like they are sinking...but instead remember that they are face to face with Jesus, being carried and helped as they face the waves of recovery.

Thank you for your continued prayers for TOTAL MIRACULOUS HEALING!

May your Sunday be blessed.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Post- Surgery Day 1 Update

All in all today has been good. Thank you for your continued prayers.

The morning was challenging in regard to pain management but the afternoon and evening seem to have taken a turn for the better...the pain, as of now, is being managed well which is allowing my mom to rest which will ultimately will help her body heal.

Today's praises...
-She was finally able to wake up and experience her first day (in awhile) tumor-free!
-Pain is being managed well. She slept for three straight hours this afternoon!
-She walked 200 feet this afternoon with the help of two nurses!!!!!!!!

Today's prayers...
-That she would be able to sleep through the night
-That she would be able to walk more. Walking will help her digestive processes to 'reboot' which will allow her to begin eating again, regain strength and ultimately get her home and healed!!!
-That the lymph system would  MIRACULOUSLY NOT BE AFFECTED and that the pathology reports we are waiting on would come back CLEAR!
-That my dad would be able to get some good rest tonight
-That God would ultimately remain glorified

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.  Your rallying...your support...your cheers...your hoots...your hollers...everything is helping her to 'keep on keeping on'.

May your evening be blessed.
As the sun is about to rise over the horizon...and peak through my mom's hospital room window our prayer is that my mom (and dad's) heart would be reminded of Lamatations 3:21-23...

"Yet this I call to mind and therefore have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

As this first official day of recovery begins, we are reminded of these verses in 2 Samuel...

"You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into light. With your help I can advance against a troop my God can scale a wall. "As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord's word is flawless' he shields all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You make your saving help my shield; you help has made me great. You provide a broad path for my feet so that my ankles do not give way. I pursued my enemies and crushed them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. I crushed them completely, and they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet. You armed me with strength for battle; you humbled my adversaries before me. You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I destroyed my foes." " 2 Samuel 22: 29-41

God's Word is such a gift, it is active (Hebrews 4:12) and speaks in ways that bring such hope and encouragement...this passage in 2 Samuel provides a reminder and glimpse of God's hand throughout this journey that my mom is on. 

-God continues to be our lamp...he has turned the darkness of this Goliath into light vs. 29
-With God's gracious help, my mom and Dr. V, advanced against the tumor 'troop'!  vs. 30
-With God's help she will continue to scale this wall, this summit of surgery and recovery! vs. 30
-God's way continues to be perfect...His hand prints and shield of protection continue to be evident throughout this journey vs. 31
-His Word is flawless...we are so grateful for how He has and continues to provide Scripture (through each of your help) to encourage and speak to our hearts vs. 31
-God is the one who has armed my mom with strength and made her way through this journey secure vs. 33
-He has made her feet like that of deer, able to stand on heights when everything in her own nature has been tempted to curl up in a ball and give up...may this only continue! vs. 34
-He has trained and prepared her for a quite literal battle and allowed her to be ready for this 'challenge' of bending this bow of bronze vs. 35
-He has and continues to be her saving help and shield, He provided a broad path that path being eligible for surgery...He didn't allow her ankles to give way...her body remained capable of traveling the path He provided. vs. 37
-With God's help, this enemy, this Goliath has been crushed and has fallen beneath her feet vs. 39
-He armed her (and all of us) with strength for battle...for the chemo, the surgery, the waiting and now the recovery. vs. 40
-We pray that her 'foe' has been destroyed vs. 41

Thank you for your continued prayers, support and encouragement. Please continue to pray boldly AGAINST lymph involvement and complete & miraculous healing.
We will be sure to continue sharing updates, praises and requests as today and this recovery transpire.  Enjoy the sunrise as I am sure it will be breathtaking from that hospital room!
May your Saturday be blessed.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Update #6

Around 5:00pm, we got the call that she had been moved to her room and that we were able to quickly say hello.

Our visit was quick, but she looked great (all things considered!) Her coloring was good, she was awake and in true 'mom fashion' asking us questions about different happenings in each of our lives throughout today.

The room she is in is private! This is a praise as they were unsure that there would be any private spaces available. It over looks the river and even has a little (heavy emphasis on little :) ) place for my dad to stretch his legs and maybe sneak a little bit of rest. The view overlooks the river and I anticipate that tomorrow's sunrise will undoubtedly provide a spectacular view (in more ways than one) as she celebrates the newness of the day and the newness of this portion of her journey.

Another praise, when we saw her, the epidural was still going and she 'reported' that her pain level was manageable. I am uncertain as to how long they will keep the epidural running but confident that they will do their best to keep her pain as managed as possible!

We are hopeful that this first night of recovery will prove as rest-filled (for both my mom and dad) and positive as possible and that in the morning, as the sun rises over the river, both are filled with incredible hope, indescribable peace and  unquestionable faith as they continue to make forward steps on this 'summitin'g journey.

Please continue to pray over her lymph system...that the pathology report will cite her entire body as being CANCER-FREE!!!! 

Thank you for the continued prayers and for all of your emails of encouragement today...we are making sure to share them all with my mom...you are truly her cheerleaders!

Be blessed.

Update #5

We just learned that she is starting to wake up in recovery and doing well!  The volunteer liaison told us that she was 'doing great' and wanted us to know that she 'love us'.

They will be moving her from the recovery room to her hospital room within the hour.

Thank you for your continued prayers...please continue to pray for a miracle of total healing.

Be blessed.

Surgery Update #4

Surgery is complete!

Dr. V just stepped out into the waiting to let us know that he had concluded surgery.

-Surgery is complete!
-My mom's body remained strong throughout the entire procedure...she had minium blood loss and at this point hasn't required a transfusion
-Dr. V and his team were able to resect the ENTIRE TUMOR with negative margins (meaning, at this point, from what they can tell the tissue around where the tumor is healthy tissue)
-They did not have to resect any veins
-The tumor was VERY receptive to the chemotherapy which is what made the surgery even possible...Dr. V reiterated that had the chemo not have worked surgery wouldn't have been an option
-For all of the prayers regarding today's surgery and my mom's health. We told Dr. V that there were more than 200 people praying for him and his team and he said 'I felt the prayers'!!!!!

-That recovery will go smoothly and her pain will be managed as effectively as possible
-That the pathology report comes back (sometime next week) encouraging. As suspected, there has been some lymph involvement but at this point it is uncertain as to what extent. We are hopeful and BOLDLY praying that there will be minimal involvement and that the cancer has not 'spread' to the lymph system but rather simply 'invaded' the nodes near the tumor's former location and be able to be 'killed' through radiation and chemo post surgery.
-For continued peace as we learn more details about the tumor, surgery and the next steps in this journey
-For God's continued glorification throughout this journey

Thank you for your continued prayers!
Stay tuned and be blessed!

Surgery Update #3

My dad just received a phone call (at 11:53am) that the TUMOR IS OUT!!!!!

Please continue to pray for the remainder of the surgical procedure, the nurse thought it would probably be another 2 hours. We are boldly praying that Dr. V got clear margins, that her lymph system has not been affected and that her body remains strong as they complete surgery and she begins to recover!

We are most boldly praying that as of 11:53...she officially became CANCER-FREE...obviously, we have to wait to see...but praying with fervency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your prayers.

Stay tuned...and enjoy lunch :)

Surgery Update #2

Just spoke with my dad and he received a call in the waiting room from a nurse in the OR around 9:15am.  The nurse said that surgery began around 8:15am and that my mom is doing fine.

Not a whole lot to update...but prayers for peace (for all of us as we wait) and strength for her body are being answered as we learn that she is doing 'fine'.

Thank you for your continued prayers!

Surgery Update #1

Nothing major to update...but we promised to keep you all as updated as possible.

My brother joined my mom and dad at the hospital this morning before heading to class. He sent this to me...

Dad and I just saw mom off to surgery at 7:18. She was strong and doing well, they gave her an epidural, which will hopefully help her pain greatly. Dr. V looked to me well rested and ready for surgery.

This right her is continued evidence of answered prayer...that she seemed 'strong and well'...that they have a pain management plan in place and that Dr. V looked 'rested and ready'.

Thank you for your prayers...we will keep you posted!

Encouragment for this 'Adventure of a Day'

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
(Image taken from Amazon.com)

Today's devotional from Jesus Calling by, Sarah Young seems rather fitting for all that today entails...
"Try to view each day as an adventure, carefully planned out by your Guide. Instead of staring into the day that is ahead of you, attempting to program it according to your will, be attentive to Me and to all I have prepared for you. Thank Me for this day of life, recognizing that it is a precious, unrepeatable gift. Trust that I am with you each moment, whether you sense my Presence of not. A thankful, trusting attitude helps you to see events in your life from My perspective.
A life lived close to Me will never be dull or predictable. Except each day to contain surprises! Resist your tendency to search for the easiest route through the day. Be willing to follow wherever I lead. NO matter how steep or treacherous the path before you, the safest place to be is by my side."
Psalm 118:24;1 Peter 2:21
Today is nothing sort of an adventure...it is precious and an unrepeatable gift!  We praise God that He already knows the outcome of today, that none of it will be a surprise to Him and are grateful that we are in the safest place we can possibly be...simply by His side.
Thank you for your prayers this morning and today...we will be sure to keep you posted with as many details about today's 'adventure' as possible. My mom sent an email this morning sharing her peace, readiness, confidence and ultimate hope...already an answer to prayer!
May your day be blessed!
(Pleae see post below for specific prayer requests)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Update Sent on January 12, 2012

Thank you for your continued prayers for healing and strength for my mom's body these past few weeks...she is feeling good, feeling strong and feeling ready to conquer and summit this mountain of a journey set before her!
Surgery is finally upon us as tomorrow is the big day. She will leave for the hospital around 5:00am to check in and proceed with all the pre-op procedures and then officially head into surgery and say 'good bye' to my dad around 7:30am (both times will probably be difficult, if your awake would you please pray specifically for peace during these moments that roars like a raging river, thank you).
The surgery will probably last through the majority of the day depending on whether or not the surgeon needs to re-sect a vein (something we are praying against). The surgeon said he would come update my dad after the tumor has been removed and again when she has been moved to the recovery room. We will update the blog www.prayingforanniem.blogspot.com whenever we receive any updates and initially following her surgery, so as not to inundate each of your email boxes. The goal is for her to be able to sit up on Saturday and then possibly get out of bed and WALK sometime on Sunday or Monday. She will probably remain in the hospital for 7-10 days post surgery as she begins her initial recovery.
At the prayer service, many of your signed up for specific prayer times throughout the day tomorrow. If you were unable to be at the service, or weren't able to sign up...please consider joining us in prayer throughout the day, knowing that she is being prayed for from all over the world has been and continues to be such a gift. Thank you.
I just received this email from my mom which details her heart's praises and prayer requests in a way that only she can articulate...
We are truly awed by God's faithfulness, and by your prayer support. The prayer service we had made us feel so loved and cared for, so protected, and encouraged. I would not be truthful if I said that I was not a little anxious about tomorrow. God battled Satan last night on my behalf when the demons of doubt and fear came knocking, but God banished them, and I again experienced an incredible sense of peace. This week we met with the oncologist and surgeon and both were very encouraging. We feel confidant placing our trust in them, knowing that God will be guiding their decisions, and their hands. We look forward to celebrating the complete removal of the tumor, and are hopefully anticipating my cancer-free future. Our God is a mighty God, capable of far more than we can ever ask or imagine. We are trusting Him to work a mighty and miraculous healing, and all glory and honor will be His. Thank you so much for your continued prayer support....you are, quite simply God's best, and we love you dearly!
-That God continues to be glorified on this journey
-for opportunities so far to share the presence and power of God's provision, comfort and healing
-for our prayer service and the encouragement, comfort, peace and love that we felt during, and ever since
-for our pastor, Gary,and the absolute gift he has been to us
-for regaining most of the weight I lost
-that the vertigo has past
-for renewed strength and appetite
-for a sense of peace that truly is beyond all understanding, and is totally from God
-for encouraging words from my oncologist and my surgeon
-for each of our prayer partners who have so faithfully committed to pray and believe in the hope of a miraculous healing
-that God is being given the glory and honor that He so deserves
-that God would be glorified as we continue to trust in Him throughout this Journey. (John 9:1-3)
-that we hear the words; "we safely removed ALL of the tumor, the margins are CLEAR, and I am CANCER-FREE!" That the entire tumor would be removed, with clear margins, and that Saturday would begin a new chapter in this journey being cancer free ( Psalm 30-2)
-that Dr. V  (my surgeon) and his team would have wisdom, discernment and precision as they use the talents that God has given them (2 Corinthians 3:5)
-that the nursing staff and other care providers may be caring, compassionate, capable and confident (Colossians 3:23)
-that my body would be capable of walking through this part of the journey. (2 Samuel 22:29-41, Psalm 3:5)
-that my heart, and our whole family would be overwhelmed with a peace that transcends all understanding (2 Corinthians 4:16-17, Psalm 3:3)
-that my family would experience God's perfect peace as they wait to hear updates and the results of the biopsies
-that the Superior Mesenteric Vein would be cancer-free on biopsy and that resection would not be necessary
-that I would come out of the anesthesia safely and quickly
-that my electrolytes would stay in balance
-that my hemoglobin level would rise, or that a transfusion would be all that is needed
-that my recovery would be smooth with no complications
-that there would be no infection, bleeding, or fistulas
-that my digestive system would begin to function quickly and effectively
-that God would be glorified!
The time at 'base camp' has come to a close...as tomorrow morning opens the door to the first step on this new chapter of the journey...it's going to be quite a mountain but with the Lord's help, my mom's desire, your cheering and the caring and capable hands of her caregivers...anything is possible.
Stay tuned!
Be blessed!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Prayer Service

Our hearts were greatly humbled and encouraged last night as our family was quite literally surrounded by many family members and friends who have been and continue to pray and walk alongside us through this journey.

It was so encouraging to see familiar faces, hug necks, laugh, share stories and pray together. We know many weren't able to attend because of prior commitments or simply geography...we thank you for joining us in spirit and are so grateful for all of the prayers and support.

We are filled with hope as we anticipate Annie's upcoming surgery (Friday, January 13th) and simply can't wait to celebrate her being cancer-free late on Friday evening/early Saturday morning!

"As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14

Sunday, January 8, 2012

As we continue this journey,  we pray specifically…

1. That God would ultimately be glorified as we continue to trust in Him throughout this journey. (John 9:1-3)

2. That the entire tumor would be removed completely (with clear margins) and that Saturday would begin a new chapter in this journey being CANCER-FREE! (Psalm 30:2)

3. That A's doctor & his team would have wisdom, discernment & precision as they use the talents that God has given them. (2 Corinthians 3:5)

4. That the caregiving staff may be caring, compassionate, capable and confident. (Colossians 3:23)

5. That A's body would be capable of walking through this part of the journey. (2 Samuel 22:29-41; Psalm 3:5)

6.That A’s heart (and our entire family’s hearts) would be overwhelmed with a peace that transcends all understanding. (2 Corinthians 4:16-17; Psalm 3:3)

Thank you for faithfully petitioning on our family’s behalf…as we pray for miraculous healing…that this ‘Goliath’ might be gone!

May your hearts be blessed!