Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Update- June 25, 2013

Psalm 77:11-14  "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.  I will consider all your works and meditate on your mighty deeds.  Your ways, God, are holy.  What god is as great as our God.  You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the people."
Thank you all for your prayers this past weekend.  For the most part, I felt God's presence and peace, and it was a comfort.  We met with my oncologist today and it seems we have had a little "set back".  There is one lymph node in my chest which showed up on the CT scan but NOT on the PET scan, so no cancer indicated.  We will continue to watch it carefully.  There was however one lymph node in my back that showed up on both the CT and PET scans indicating the likely possibility of cancer.  It was quite small, just a centimeter.  There was NO indication of any cancer in my liver, or any other organ.  I was given three options.  1.  Change nothing, rescan in 6 weeks.  2.  Go back to Oxalyplatin and 5-FU/Zeloda, rescan in 6 weeks.  This is the drug combination that worked successfully last year but was discontinued because of the neuropathy.  3.  Start a new chemo regimen, rescan in 6 weeks.  Surgery and radiation are not options at this time.  After much discussion, and some arrow prayers, we decided to go back to the Oxalyplatin and the infusion form of 5-FU which minimizes the burning/blistering/peeling on my hands and feet.  I will also take Glutamine which some studies show has minimized the neurological side effects.  Since it was effective before, we are praying it will be effective again.  My body is healthier than it was last spring, and that should help make the side effects more manageable.  I feel encouraged.  It is good to know we have a plan, and that there are still other "tools in the toolbox". 
It would be a blessing to me if you would pray:
-that God would be glorified; my healing is HIS miracle to perform, not because of anything I do or did, but because of who He is.
-with gratitude for the peace I felt this weekend
-with thanksgiving and praise that just one lymph node is involved, and that we have a good plan for treatment
-that the scan in six weeks would show no cancer (boldly praying for that!)
-that the chemo will work, and with minimal, manageable or (boldly) no side effects
-that the new drug I am taking for the neuropathy will begin to take away the tingling, and that feeling would begin to return to my hands and feet.
-that my family can rest in God's peace, placing our trust in Him.
Thank you for your prayers and sweet notes of encouragement.  You all continue to be such a blessing to my family and me.
Be blessed,

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Prayer Request - June 22, 2012

Psalm 77:11-14  "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.  I will consider all your works and meditate on your mighty deeds.  Your ways, God, are holy.  What god is as great as our God.  You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the people."
Today I am remembering the miracles God has performed in my life, and trusting that His miracles will continue.  We received the preliminary report on my PET/CT scan which showed the presence of two suspicious lymph nodes; suspicious in that they were not present on previous scans, and that there was uptake of the radioactive sugars in those nodes.  We have an appointment with my oncologist on Tuesday to discuss exactly what this means and what changes we will make in my treatment.  We continue to pray boldly for a complete healing and ask you to join us in that prayer.  We would also ask that you would be in prayer for wisdom and discernment for my medical team and for my family as we make a decision regarding what to do next.  To be completely honest, I am disappointed, this is not the news of clear scans we were hoping and praying to hear, yet I am optimistically waiting upon the Lord....one step at a time.  Prayer that we would feel the presence of God, and be filled with His peace would also be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for prayer support, it is a blessing to me and to my family,