Praising, thanking and giving glory to God....my brain MRI was normal! I had a reaction to the contrast media which caused some nausea and an increase in the neuropathy. The nausea is mostly gone, or rather managed with compazine, my hands and legs are still pretty tingly and numb. It has me mostly home on the couch which has given me a lot of time to spend with God which has been a good thing. The MRI was mostly precautionary, to rule out any spread of the cancer to my brain.as I have been experiencing some dizziness. Now they believe I have benign paroxsymal positional vertigo, BPPV. It is caused by a displacement of a little bone in the middle ear. There is a physical therapist at the Uof M that specializes in the treatment of BPPV. Apparently manipulation of the head and neck can move the bone back where it is supposed to be. I will begin that therapy next week. It could take a couple of treatments, or maybe several. Supposedly the treatment causes some pretty severe nausea symptoms so I would appreciate prayer that the treatment would be successful, and the side effects would be minimal....boldly, no side effects! I am still exploring treatment options for the neuropathy. So far, it looks pretty discouraging. The side effects of drug treatment are nearly as bad, or worse than the neuropathy. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I continue to pray boldly that God would heal my hands and feet and ask you to join me in that prayer. It is, however, a very small price to pay for life!!!
This update is a mixed message. I will share the good news first, and share specific prayer requests at the end.
Wow, what a mother's day weekend! On Saturday, J and A welcomed their first born, a son, five weeks early by unscheduled c-section. More on that in a bit. He is beautiful, and we are so blessed and thankful to welcome him to the O'F and McP families. (On a side note, A's brother and sister-in law welcomed their first born, also a boy, on Thursday in California.)
Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day with my extended family. What a celebration of life and love and God's provision. I am thankful that I was well enough to celebrate with everyone. What a change since last May when I was so sick, and the outlook was not nearly as optimistic. To God be the glory!!!!
On Monday our daughter S, son-inlaw C, O and A welcomed C to their family. S was induced after learning that she was leaking amniotic fluid, perhaps the result of a fall on Friday. God was already protecting mom and baby and C was born safely and healthy Monday evening.
I am praising God for his great healing power. My oncologist did not believe that I would live to see these babies born. But our great God had other plans, plans for hope, and a future. I have been blessed to hold and cuddle these little ones, love on S and C's two older ones, and love and support my own children. God is so good.
S and C and family are home, adjusting to life as a family of five. Baby C is a little jaundiced and S is on antibiotics for a infection due to the tear in her amniotic sac. Please continue to hold them in prayer as life settles in to a new normal. I am looking forward to watching God's plan for their lives to unfold.
A and J have had a more difficult week. Baby T was born five weeks early. He is currently in the NICU growing stronger and gaining some weight. He was on CPAP for several days but God has graciously answered our prayers and he is breathing room air and feeding on demand with just a little supplementation through a NG (feeding) tube. Like baby C, he is beautiful. No, we are not biased at all!!!!
I would like to share with you the story of A's pregnancy and delivery. It is a difficult story to share, but we believe that before we even know how to pray, or what to pray for, God's hand was on A. protecting her even before we knew we should be on our knees. God picked just the right time for A to become pregnant, any sooner might have been to soon, any later might have been too late. Very early in her pregnancy, A found out that she had a rather large cyst on one of her ovaries. Not particularly uncommon, but it did make her very uncomfortable. The pain went away during the middle trimester of her pregnancy and A enjoyed a very normal pregnancy. Yes, it is true, she glowed!!! Last Saturday, A experienced excruciating pain. Not having experienced labor before, they headed to maternal observation. Not in labor, they considered kidney stones or a gall bladder attack. As a family, we began to pray. God was already at work. An abdominal ultrasound showed that the cyst had grown to 17+ cm and the decision was made to perform a c-section, deliver T and remove the ovary and cyst. T was born early Saturday evening, spent his first few hours in the arms of his mom and dad before being transferred to the NICU. It is important to understand how God has been present. God chose the exact timing for A and J to conceive. He provided for A to carry their baby to the point that he could be delivered with manageable complications. He has protected baby T in the NICU and there have been NO setbacks! Had the cyst not grown exponentially, A would not have felt the extreme pain, the c-section would not have been necessary, the cyst would not have been removed, (it turned out to be the size of a football), and the cyst would not have been sent to pathology. God was working beyond our vision, accomplishing His plan without our even knowing. On Wednesday, A and J received to devastating news that the cyst/ovary contained a small, less than 2 cm, malignant tumor. She has be diagnosed with very early stage ovarian cancer. Pretty tough news at anytime, even tougher when you are sleep deprived, recovering from a c-section, and have a baby in the NICU. Again, God provided, A was being discharged on Wednesday, and the hospital very graciously provided a room for her to stay in while baby T was still in the NICU. Because she was in the hospital, they were able to meet that evening, and again the next morning will a very highly respect, (kind and compassionate too), expert in ovarian cancer. He is VERY HOPEFUL, telling A and J that he believes she will live a long life, raise baby T and have future children!!!!! So to simplify this long story, had A not become pregnant when she did, had she not developed an ovarian cyst (which is unrelated to the cancer), had the cyst not grown so dramatically, had she not had an unplanned c-section, had they not been able to remove the ovary and cyst in it's entirety, and had it not been sent to pathology this tumor would not have been found, or removed. God's timing is perfect. God DID NOT cause this tumor to grown in A's ovary, but He did provide a way for it to be found, and removed, before we even knew to be praying. We love, and are loved by an awesome God!!!!
So we have an unexpected road to travel. We have already seen how God provides, we have seen the power of prayer when God's people join together and pray collectively for His children. We have seen opportunities to share God's faithfulness with others, and we have seen our own faith grow as we depend, not on ourselves but on Him. I would ask you to pray that baby T will be big enough, strong enough and healthy enough to come home this week. I would ask you to pray for this sweet little family as they settle in to caring for each other, that they would be protected, that the would tangibly feel God's love for them, and presence with them. I would ask you to pray that we all continue to place our trust in God, that our faith would not waiver. I would ask that you pray boldly that, without knowing he was operating to remove a malignant tumor, that the doctor successfully removed all of the cancer. I would ask you to pray that there would be no other cells of cancer remaining in A's body. I would ask you to pray for a completely clear, without any question, PET scan scheduled for June. I would ask you to pray for a sense of perfect peace. I would ask you to pray as they Holy Spirit leads you. And I would ask you to thank God, praising Him for His provision.
Thank you prayer warriors. Words can not describe my gratitude for each and every one of you. I pray that you will be blessed as you have blessed me.
'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.' Romans 8:28